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It has been a few hours since I got back from college and a lot happened.

Jay and I talked for most of the lessons, he also decided to sit next to me, and somewhere between 3rd and 4th period he had asked me to come over tomorrow.

We also sat together for lunch, me next to him obviously, which meant I was also sitting with his friends. And one of them sat next to me and we talked for a while before last lesson.

He friends surprisingly liked me. Or at least I think they did, I can't really tell cause I didn't talk to most of them all to much. I was more focused on jay and the boy next to me.

I didn't have any friends so it was no problem talking with jay and his friends (mainly the boy next to me). I wouldn't say I was a loner, I liked to be alone but I did want friends. I just don't have the time or effort to keep in touch with them after we leave college so I never realy tried.

The boy who say next to me at lunch was apart of 2 friend groups. He was this really tall blonde haired boy. And when I say really tall I mean he was like a 6 foot 3 beanstalk compare to me.

I think he said his name was Tommy? I can't really remember, but he was really loud and outgoing. He also looked really cute.

His blonde hair was fluffy, his blueish grey eyes were so soft and welcoming. I could get lost looking at them. It looked like he was almost nervous when I came over.

He was The opposite of me in terms of personality but I think we clicked really well!

I also found out that he recorded videos and was on twitch just like me! His other friend group was all his friends from twitch. One of them was called Toby, another one called erin? He talks realy highly of them.

I find it cute how he was so proud of his friends and how much he valued them. Maybe I needed someone like that.

"Tommy, can I come round yours someday?" I ramble out before I realized what I said.

"Jess, Tommy is probably busy. Why don't u come round mine instead" jay suggests, also grabbing my arm lightly and pulling me closer towards him.

"No it's fine, I'm not doing anything today if u wanna come round? Unless u and jay are doing something today" he smiles towards me. 

I feel like I'm in a story rn, two boys unconsciously fighting over me. They don't even know me that well.

"I'm free today! Me and jay weren-" I begin.

"Were!- going to umm, walk my dogs. Yh, to the, umm... park and then chill at mine" jay interrupts

"Oh, ok! Maybe another day then Jess? I'm busy tomorrow and Wednesday" he says apologetically.

"Ok, some other day" I say as cheerful as possible. I feel like jay is kind of controlling me. Maybe he is just protecting me.

We go to our lass class. Me and jay weren't on the same class so I was gonna meet him outside the college gates.


Class was Boring but it went by fairly quickly, I left the class and started walking towards to gates.

I get there and look around for any sign of jay but instead I see tommy and 2 other boys from jays group come towards me.

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