Friendly Contact

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"Approach Hangar Bay D17, our own fighters will escort you, Commander." Ulz sighs, allowing Aurora to input the coordinates and gently fly in.

"We haven't been shot at yet, I'd say that's pretty good..."

"For now, now... Uh, that woman was Blue, right?" Aurora appears on his palm, pushing a few screen around.

"Asari, mono-gendered, currently the most advanced race... Along with, Salarians, Turians... Volus, and Elcor... Humans too."

"This isn't gonna turn into another Shaw-Fujikawa situation, right?" Aurora giggles.

"Nope, else we would've been shot down, remember?" Ulz let's out a breath as the fighter rocks, touching down onto the surface of the hangar bay.

"Fair warning, there are a... Large number of Unknowns out there... So, y'know, play Diplomat." She vanishes into his helmet as he begins to climb from the ship making sure his weapons a secured to his back.

He jumps down from the fighter, raising his hands above his head slowly, as a few aliens approach, weapons raised.

"My energy shields have been brought offline, and my weapons are on safe... I have no wish for hostile conflict." An odd looking alien, one which looks like a bird approach.

"Sergeant Pillion Virtus, nice to meet you Commander," He sticks a hand out, and they shake, "I take it you've come off a covert operation?"

[ Pillion Virtus ]

"I actually just woke up Sergeant, the Frigate I was in Stasis on is

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"I actually just woke up Sergeant, the Frigate I was in Stasis on is... Well, it's a derelict now, unfortunately."

"Sorry to hear that, Commander, if you'll follow me, I'll get you to the Human Embassy, we'll get that Frigate home." Pillion begins to lead Ulz through the docking bay.

"What'll happen to that Fighter?" Ulz looks back slightly, watching as a few aliens in hazmat suits sweep the fighter.

"Well, our scientists will poke around in it, then when they're all done, it'll be used for target practice." They take a turn, leaving the hangar bay.

"Smart." Ulz rocks his head to the side gently.

"Exactly." They then enter an elevator, Pillion presses a few holographic buttons, the elevator begins rising through the station.

"You wouldn't mind if I asked how you lost your arm, would you?" Pillion turns slightly, watching as Ulz scans him.

"Eh, before I entered the Spartan program, I was apart of an Elite group known as ODST, or Orbital Drop Shock Troopers."

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