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The morning started off as normal I ate toast from the bakery for breakfast with some crappy shop brand breakfast juice. When I felt a wave of nausea come over me and suddenly my breakfast looked terrible. I felt down right crappy and thought I was going to throw up and with some persuasion my mother let me stay home from school for the day. At first I guessed it just was just one of those off moments as I started to feel fine again - I was wrong. As the day progressed I got worse and worse until the point I was taken to hospital. They thought I had the flu and made me wear a mask as I sat in the waiting room of the children's ward. They eventually took me into the quarantine room and after poking me with a needle a few times got a drip in. The suspicions were confirmed that I did in fact have influenza A. Lots of people got it so I didn't understand why I had to stay over night until the nurse explained my heart is at a speed as if I was running a race. The next day I was sent home which was a relief because the hospital food was shit and mother insisted on buying me packets of these chips that taste made me want to throw up. I was never really well again after that.

So the flu was gone and I was still feeling crappy I don't even want to think about how much time I've missed from school. I only got 3 texts from friends asking why I was away for the few days and I'll admit I was upset more people didn't care why I was away. Docters appointments became a weekly thing and finally a blood test was take to show that some hormone that I can neither pronounce or spell was low and I needed some medication for it. it got better after a month but I felt just as shitty as before. and then I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue.

And no it's not because I'm lazy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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