01 | Welcome to Sindria Trading Company!

Start from the beginning

"Does this mean I get to join them when they go to Sasan?"

"You were going to come along regardless of your lessons," Sinbad grinned, "You deserve to see the world after all."

"Really?" Lillian gleamed, holding in her excitement.

"You excelled at etiquette," Rurumu hummed, thinking back to the lessons. "But can I ask, have you ever interacted with others outside of the palace?"

"Oh, no." Lillian shook her head, "I was taken into the palace when I was too young to remember with my baby sister."

"I see," Rurumu took her words in, before smiling. "You can consider everyone here a friend, Lillian." She seemed to finally notice her baby asleep in her arms. "I see Kirikiku made himself comfortable," She carefully took the sleeping baby from Lillian, "Your legs must have fallen asleep by now. Why not try taking a break? You can help me start on dinner once I get him tucked in."

"Okay," Lillian nodded as Rurumu walked off to her room.

"I'll help with your chores," Sinbad suggested, making Lillian give him a blank expression.

"Sinbad. . . have you finished your own?"

". . . I'm sure Ja'far will be fine!"

"SINBAD!" Ja'far's yells were heard from downstairs.

"Why don't I help you with your chores before we get to mine?" Lillian sweatdropped.

"Do we have to?"

"Yes. Let's go." Lillian dragged the complaining boy, headed to finally get him to finish his work.


They arrived at Reim and Lillian was the first to make her way out of the ship, Sinbad following after the excited girl, enjoying her reactions to a place different than what she was accustomed to.

"Sinbad, Look." Lillian tugged at his sleeve, her eyes glued to the juggling performer. "I never knew people would put on performances out here in the open."

"Reim has a lot of street performers," Sinbad explained, "I started off putting on a show in a nearby alley too,"

"What sort of show?" Sinbad enjoyed how much she was looking up at him as if he was the most fascinating thing she's ever seen. And from the looks of her upbringing, he probably was.

"I did a retelling of my adventures using my djinn's powers."

"Djinn? What's a djinn?"

"It's– "

"It's the power he conquered from one of the dungeons," Ja'far cut in, finishing the explanation, ticking off Sinbad.

"I was just getting to that!"

"Dungeon? Do you mean those tall buildings that Rayu told me about? He said a lot of people went in but never came out."

"It's a dangerous place, I wouldn't want you to go there without me," Sinbad warned. As much as he believed in her capability as a fighter, she was still recovering her health and didn't want to risk it.

"I do not plan to," Lillian reassured, "I don't have any reason to seek anything,"

"You can go sightseeing some other time," Ja'far pointed out, "We have to get these back to the company,"

"That's right," Sinbad grinned, "We have to throw a party for Lillian's arrival!"


"It's customs,"

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