01 | Welcome to Sindria Trading Company!

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"Lili!" Kikiriku exclaimed as the former princess admired the large baby who seemed to be attached to her.

"Cute. . ." The little boy almost reminded her of her sister when she was a baby. A bright and loving child. Lillian let Kikiriku climb into her lap as she stopped studying to let him get comfortable. "I can't play right now, but after I'm all yours," Lillian promised.

"Lili! Lili!"

"He seems to love you a lot despite it being a day," Lillian turned her head to look up, finding Sinbad giving her a teasing look as he sat down next to her. "Before he'd only attach himself to Ja'far, and now he seems to have already given you a nickname."

"It's only because he's too young to say my full name."

"Can I call you Lili too?"

"You may, I don't see any reason you can't." Lillian hummed, turning her attention back to the work Rurumu had left her with.

"Your concentrated face is cute," Sinbad said.

"Really?" Liliana scrunched her face, "I don't think so."

"You're cute in general. A cute princess like you probably had suitors lining up." Sinbad moved closer discreetly, Kikiriku watching him curiously while gripping onto Lillian who started to rub his back, coaxing him further into her as he slowly got sleepier.

"You're the only one who believes so, princess or not. I'm a product of a prostitute, nothing but a shameful reminder of my father's sins."

"You're a lot more than that," Sinbad leaned closer, flashing a charming grin. "I think you're an incredible, talented, strong, beautiful lady. Any man who can't see that is blind and idiotic."

"Thank you," Lillian gave him a sincere smile, "You're too kind. I'm grateful to have befriended you, Sinbad." Sinbad froze in his place, before stepping back.

"Nothing phases you huh. . . "


"Nothing." Sinbad sighed, before noticing the little baby asleep, "You must have some magic touch, getting him to sleep takes a lot longer usually."

"My sister loved getting her back rubbed to fall asleep, I'm assuming that's something everyone enjoys,"

"Would you rub my back to sleep?"

"If you have that much of a problem sleeping, I wouldn't mind." Lillian flashed a smile.


The way she had nonchalantly accepted his offer had taken him aback, and dare he say, flustered him slightly. This was not something he was used to. For the past day and a half, he's been nothing but trying to get some reaction out of her. But every gesture was taken as a friendly act and his flirty comments led her to take it as mere kindness. To say his pride was bruised was an understatement. Had he lost his touch with women?

"Lillian," Rurumu called out, walking over to the two. "Are you finished?"

"Yes," Lillian grinned handing the scroll over to Rurumu to inspect, she glanced over it before breaking into a grin, "You're improving very quickly, you did a great job," Lillian didn't seem to notice the fact she unconsciously leaned forward, anticipating Rurumu's head pats who gladly obliged. She looked cute. Sinbad knew she loved any affection she could get, especially from a mother figure like Rurumu.

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