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When Haven arrived at home, the first thing Andrew was doing was making sure she wasn't stressing out. Meaning no phone. "Andrew, I'm fine."

"Baby, I almost lost you and our baby. I don't need you to be stressing over something so stupid." He tells her as the girls walked in. "Since Hanna is here, I'm going to go home and finish packing."

"Okay." She says as they shared a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you."
"Andrew, what brings you by?" Aria asked.

"I still have things I need to get. Please tell me that dad ain't home."

Aria shook her head no causing him to go in and upstairs. Aria understood why he didn't want his dad around, because of what he said about Haven. "Andrew?" He looked at his twin. "I hope you know that he made me mad when he said that about Haven. She's nothing like those other girls." She says. "Ali knew that from the start and so did you."

"Alison was the one who told me that if I want to be with Haven that I have to make a deal with her." He says. "It's always been Haven since I met her and it will continue like that."

"Good." Aria says. "There's going to be a party at their house..."

"Leave me and Haven out of it. I'm going to lay in bed with her and watch some movies."

Aria nodded. "I hope you know that mom, myself, and Mike all support you."

"Thanks." He says as he grabbed the last of his things. "Welp. I'll see you later."


Mike hugged his brother before he left. "Dad should be supportive instead of how he is acting." He says. "He cheated, not Andrew."

"Exactly." Aria says. "We will be there for them."

Mike nodded as he walked away. Aria sighed as she couldn't believe how her family was falling apart. Andrew moved out, her mom moved out, and now their dad is having fights with Andrew. When can we start getting along again?

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