He muttered something to himself perforce turning to me slightly sheepishly.

"Can I take this off?"

I was taken aback by his question.


"Your shirt, can I take it off?" He repeated.

I nodded giving concent. Though my insecurities were thriving due to him never seeing me without a shirt before.

Once I said yes his eyes lit up and he wasted no time to lift my shirt up above my head and looking at me up and down.

He just stared at me, his face a mixture between red and green.

His eyes looked down at me initiating a smile.

"God you're so beautiful...."
He bent down and slowly kissed my skin, savoring every touch as if it would be his last.

He went up to my cheek while feeling my body. He kissed my face and then pecked the side of my ear.

"And dare I say.."

His hands crept up and slipped under my bra cupping my breasts.

"...sexy," his voice was low and it didn't take a genius to tell he was turned on.

I smirked, "what are you gonna do about it?" I asked being the smartass I am.

He paused, and then let you a short sigh.

Before I could even tell what was going on, he went down to my neck and placed a hickey on my skin and then bit down.
At the same time his hands were toying and playing with my breast

"Mhm~ Leo!" I gasped, overloaded with his affection.

He kissed down to my Cleavage. His hands traveled behind my back, unclipping my bra and tossing it on the floor. 

He stared at my bare breasts and quickly kissed them and left hickeys all over my chest, along with bites and kisses. All the whole I was a flustered moaning mess.

"I'm so happy you're mine.."  he announced, his voice still low.

His hand trailed down to my pants, looking at me and waiting.

I stared into his gorgeous diamond eyes that had momentarily dropped their covered in lust coat.

"May I... Mrs. Hamato?" He asked waiting for a response and consent.


I mustered up my breath and nodded while simotaniously mumbling, "yea.."

His eyes lit up while he bent in to kiss me,  his kiss was king and passionate while his hand trailed to rub and caress me through my pants.

God I wanted him to just rip them off.

Instinctively my hips started to move to his hand, and within seconds he smiled pulled my pants off, and spread my legs open. 

He stared at me, both with intention and in awe.

He went pinned ontop of me and kissed me  his hand grazing my thigh to my pussy.

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Where stories live. Discover now