6 out numbered

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What was there to do Jacob and his friends were closing in everyway to escape. What else was there to do Jacob was on the right Oliver and Blake were on the left and the front.

Tears were threatening to fall. What could i do how could i escape from him. As everything was coming to a slow motion it all stops, a faint screeching noise could be heard.

"What the fuck was that..." "How should i fucking know" "whatever lets just finish up this cutie right here id like to get back to stuff" Jacob goes to raise his hand once more. As i go to flinch he chuckles in a wicked way "thats what i like to see out of you sweetheart" Jacob stood before me with his hands in his pockets.

Blake and oliver both back up smirking to themselves. Breathing shakily i watch as they start to head to the dark kitchen. Stuff could be heard thrown on the floor like glass but why would they do such a thing. Jacob pulls me into a tight hug smoothing out the h/c locks. He hums then suddenly blake comes running into the room.

"Jacob....i think theres something outside" "then get the guns genious" "seriously you know what why dont you deal with it yourself jackass!". Jacob turns to him having my waist close to his body. That axe cologne was strong it started to make my nostrils burn. "Listen im here to make my girl right here learn her lesson ok and if its some sort of idiotic thing that your wanting me to see then fuck it I'll go check it out" he pulla away marching into the other room. Fear rises inside my body is that thing here again?!, theres no way it followed but how!!!. Staggering backwards my feet ended up tripping over themselves as my body collided with the floor.

Faint munbling could be heard "what the fuck is that??" "Animal probably" "an animal dont ever sound like that Jacob!" "Jeez this is completely lame im going out there to prove that it's an animal" "dude dont be so fucking ridiculous!!!". He laughs like it was nothing what a cocky bastard that he is. The screeching grows louder followed by Jacobs dumbass going outside with a light "GET BACK IN HERE DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" His voice so faint. Suddenly he bolts back inside slamming the door shut behind him. "Block the fucking doors now use anything!!!" "Are you fucking proud of your idiocy!!!! What were you thinking!?". "Shut up!" "Me!? Your the dumbass and now thanks to you Jacob were going to die".

The screeching grows closer to the livingroom window Jacob and oliver quickly bolt over using the the table as a block aide. The creature was beginning to make that clicking sound again from before. Using this chance i quickly sprawl up onto both feet sprinting upstairs. Taking a left turn on the second floor i sprint into the bedroom slamming the door behind locking it in the process. The screeching stops so suddenly but why then the sound of feet crawling up on the house causes all of us to halt in place. My eyes widening with such fear why is the creature back I don't understand.

Thumping of the roof could be heard it was getting closer but how can it know where I'm at?. There has to be a place to hide. Looking everywhere I spot the bed but i know what happens when the victim hides under the bed...they always get kidnapped or killed.

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