Chapter 1: As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home

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Kalim became the head of Asim family right after he graduated, and he ordered a new rule. No one shall be a servant unless they are willing to.

This caused an uproar to the noble families in Silk City, as this caused them to lose most of their servants. Servants were a symbol of status in noble families, now that has been demolished by the Sultan many nobles were furious, but many commoners were given hope. Many things have changed in Kalim Al-Asim's reign, and many harmful traditions have been put to rest.

"Jamil Viper, you are free.' Kalim smiled as Jamil bowed to him one last time.

"Well? Did everything pay off?" Kalim asked.

"Yeah everything paid off, so what are you gonna do?" Jamil rose and stood in front of Kalim. This is what he has been waiting for his whole life. A life of freedom right in front of him.

"Well I'll continue to be the Sultan, this place kinda needs me so I'll stay here- oh by the way once you're out there if you need any help don't be shy to ring me up ok?" The heir- no Sultan smiled, everything that happened has led up to this point. Not everything was fine and well but he'll manage.

"Ok, you take care of yourself Kay? I won't be here. I don't wanna hear any news that you suddenly died." Jamil joked, he knew Kalim can do it. After all, he proved himself to him again and again that he is in fact capable. Though the possibility of death for Kalim was low it's still possible, but, he knows he'll be fine. After all, surviving was Kalim's forte.

And that was it. After that even though Jamil promised he would call Kalim. He never did, he thought he would just be intruding- plus he has a journey to be in. After all, he knows Kalim was just fine. He's the sun, he would bring sunshine to the people, and he would be loved. He is going to be fine.

Is what he initially thought 6 years ago.

"Wait-wait- so- you're telling me that Kalim hasn't been seen in the public eye for 5 years now?" Jamil is back home after 6 years of traveling, he's currently talking to his sister Najma, who's working in this restaurant that they are currently in. She's filling him in on the stuff he missed out while he was gone.

"Yup, ever since he got married and had a kid, he's not out often, not even parties. Unless it's important or tradition he never really shows himself anymore." Najma said.

Things really had changed while he was gone. Firstly he didn't know Kalim married and had a kid which If he was being a bit honest- it stung him a bit. His travels really helped him reflect and think about his life and his relationship with Kalim. At one point he realised he kind of adored the cheerfulness and the dedication of the current Sultan. And secondly Kalim has a kid, well he is married so it's not too far off a possibility, but nevertheless, it still shocked Jamil. He guessed he always did love children.

"Huh... I guess he's taking his job more seriously then." Jamil says then sips some tea from his mug.

"Yeah too seriously, I never really thought Kalim could become such a workaholic-"

"Work-a-what?-" Jamil almost spat out his tea when he heard his sister. Kalim? Workaholic? It seemed impossible, Kalim was always carefree and left the jobs to his retainers.

"Kalim?? A workaholic?" Jamil says with a very confused expression.

"Ooh yeah definitely. Whenever he comes to eat here you can't miss the bags under his eyes. He also sometimes brings documents and does his paper work here." Najma stops for a bit. She took a bite out of her food and gulped down.

Licking her lips she say next. "Also, I think it's because Kalim doesn't have many servants now. He moved away from the Asim palace to a mansion in a more remote place."

"He moved?" Jamil still confusingly asked.

"Yup, it was 3 years ago... Two years after his son was born. Rumor has it his wife suddenly left and he moved out of shame, though-" Najma again pauses and drinks her tea.

"It's Kalim, I doubt that he moved out of shame. Plus why move to a remote area with only a nanny and a bodyguard."

"He only has a nanny and bodyguard? That's unusual for a Sultan." Jamil added. He really couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. Kalim only having a nanny and a bodyguard? You'd think he would have more, because as he remembers, Kalim is hopeless in housework.

"I know right!? Everyone was questioning Kalim! And also moving out of the Asim palace? That's unheard of for any Sultan we've had!"

Though it's not too unusual. It's Kalim, he's always been defying norms since he was a child like when he set the animals in the Asim Park free, when he declared both of them to be equals, or when he decided to set his servants free.

Jamil breathes out, "Everything really has changed huh"

"What about his kid?" Jamil asked.

He was a bit curious about the new heir of the Asim family. He knows that kid won't have it easy, because of the so-called "Fate of the Asim heir".

"Oh right! His name is Amir Al-Asim, but that's all we know- well- the public knows I've seen him a few times."

Jamil raised a brow, " 'All we know'?? Why?"

"Because, Kalim doesn't let anyone see his son, apart from close friends or family, No one really knows what Amir looks like. Well- I know I met him a few times."

Huh. "Wait, no one is allowed to look at the kid?"

"Not really, I talked about this with Kalim before- and honestly- he's being overprotective." Najma interrupted.

"I mean... he could protect his child all he wants. But no matter how much you prepare something will always go south. Plus if the kid's stuck at home all the time, he'll grow up naive." Najma sighed and she looked at the window beside her.

Najma was right, too much sheltering was never good. He saw it firsthand growing beside Kalim. Then again, he doesn't blame him, he knew the life of an heir, and it's not a pretty one. Most people would look at the surface and would say that it's an amazing life. Well, money aside, it's quite horrible. He lost count of how many times Kalim's life had been at stake inside that palace. With his siblings plotting against him all the time it really isn't a likeable life to live. Till this day Jamil wonders how Kalim could be so forgiving, he even decided to protect his siblings from any punishment..... just like he did for Jamil.

"Looks like you've been berating him for me I see." Jamil smirks, his tone slightly sounding cocky.

"Of course, I thought I'd take care of him for you." Najma teased.

"And what are you implying?" Jamil raised a brow again

"That you actually care for him or even lo-"

"Ok stop" Jamil interrupts. He really didn't dwell on his feelings for Kalim that often. It was just so complicated that he found it hard to face it head on.

Najma grinned, she knew her brother all too well. "Am I wrong though?"

No she is in fact not wrong. But Jamil thought that everything between them was so complex, and he's a Viper, he may not be a servant anymore but he is still a commoner. Even if he did have feelings for Kalim it's all in the past, and for great seven's sake he's married! He's destroyed every hope that they could be romantically involved in that holiday break. When did he exactly feel that way for him? If he had to guess it was their 3rd year. But again everything was too late.

In the end he never answered his sister. But Najma already knew the answer, she knew her brother just didn't want to say it. Saying it would mean facing it, she doesn't force his brother to say it. After all, if Jamil is not ready, who is she to interfere?

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