🏀 Mark chapter pt 2 ⭐️

Start from the beginning

"MUM! WHAT THE FUCK! ARE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING SERIOUS", Jaehyun shouted back in disbelief, Mark heard his voice crack at the end of his sentence so he knew he was probably crying at this point.

"I AM NOT HAVING YOU HANGING OUT WITH THOSE FRIENDS OF YOURS HERE ANYMORE, I DONT WANT TO EVEN HEAR YOU MENTION THEIR DIRTY NAMES TO ME, ESPECIALLY DOYOUNG'S", their mother screamed back, Mark really had no clue what was going on, why did she hate Doyoung so much?? He knew he was one of Jaehyun's best friends.


"This is the last time I'll ever talk about Doyoung to you"

Mark heard the kitchen door slam shut suddenly which he assumed Jaehyun had done, Jaehyun left the room and was now standing at the bottom of the stairs from Mark, tears falling down his face as he looked up at his brother sadly after realising Mark had heard the whole conversation and didn't actually go to his room . Mark started to cry too after hearing the last part of the argument.

"You're not really leaving to live with Grandma and Grandad are you? Jae, they live in Korea!", Mark started sobbing, he has always had a really close relationship with his brother and the thought of him living in a completely different country really broke him. "You can't leave Jaehyun Hyung"

Jaehyun ascended the stairs to sit on the step next to Mark before pulling him into a hug. "I have to Mark, mum knows now so staying here isn't an option for me anymore, I can't stand her", he replies sadly stroking his hair gently to calm him down, "I'm going to transfer uni's with Doyoung and we'll live with our grandparents until we save up enough to get our own place, we'll find jobs there too, once I leave I'm not coming back"

"What does mum know that means you can't stay here? Why does she hate Doyoung, why won't you come back?!", Mark looked up at him before he cried in his brother's arms.

"I can't tell you right now but you'll understand when you get older, but for now stay strong for me and stay in touch with Johnny, I know he'll look out for you, if mum causes you any trouble, don't hesitate to let him know", Jaehyun replied back calmly whilst standing up presumably to start packing his stuff in his room, giving Mark a sad glance before leaving him on the step by himself. He started typing something on his phone to Johnny, with a sad sigh before Mark heard his bedroom door close.

Mark couldn't believe what was going on, he woke up and busied himself with his chemistry and music exam for the day only to come back home and find out his brother had planned to move to Korea or live with their Grandparents by the next week, Mark wondered how long it had been on Jaehyun's mind for him to leave so soon and suddenly.

The week after the argument, Mark went along with Jaehyun and Johnny to the airport as Johnny was driving them, their mother didn't come with them but Jaehyun nor Johnny looked bothered about it. He really wished he knew what happened. Why did his mum not want to give his brother a send off?

"So this it for now man, you're finally moving away", Johnny said with a sad smile as they approached the boarding gate after Jaehyun's flight number was called out. It was gonna be weird not seeing Jaehyun around as they basically grew up with each other, they weren't just neighbours but best friends too. "I know in the long run it's for the best though bro". "What does he mean 'finally'? Has Johnny known about this plan for a while?", Mark thought to himself.

"Yeah", Jaehyun trailed off as he looked at Mark as he looked like he was about to start crying.

"Mark, I promise I'll see you soon, but for now focus on your exams, I know you'll ace them", Jaehyun softly smiled as he wiped the start tear that dropped down his younger brother's face.

"I'll miss you a lot", Mark sobbed out whilst pulling him into his last hug.

"Me too Mark, but Johnny will look after you", and with the last smile Jaehyun managed to muster up to stop himself from crying, he waved at the two boys before walking though the boarding gate after getting his passport checked.

Mark just stared sadly as he watched his brother leave, through the gates and out of sight, knowing there was nothing he could do about it to make him stay.

Jaehyun meant it when he said he wasn't gonna come back after he left, it had been a year and he didn't visit Mark since he left and that really upset him but Mark knew he didn't know the reason he left so didn't know why he didn't want to come back. Mark hoped he would get to see Jaehyun soon, he really missed his brother.

Mark never understood at the time why Jaehyun made the decision to leave but as Jaehyun and Johnny mentioned, it was for the best and it really was. Unknowingly to him, he would find out the very reason the year later.

A/n - so this is the second half of the first explanation about Mark's past, I hope you liked it! You can probably decipher Jaehyun's reason for leaving based on how I described it but these chapters are for you (as a reader) to understand, so bits of it might get repeated when Mark talks about it from the present/his pov
Also I remember past comments and renjun will appear at some point (when I get around to writing the chapters) but it seems like ages bc I just haven't updated in like months/ half a year🤩🫣
Again idk when my next update will be but hopefully you stick around for it!

Until next time,
~ GlitterSparkleRenjun ☆

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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