"Ahh, that explains a lot." I slowly nodded.

"Plus..." He pointed out my badge that was pinned on the lining of my blazer. "Your name is written on your SRC badge."

I lowered my head to look at the badge pinned on my blazer and mentally face-pamled myself. "Ohhh, right! So, what do you need help with?" I asked.

"Well, I'm a bit lost. I need to get to classroom number 107 and I can't seem to find it." The boy explained. I watched him take out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfold it, before showing it to me.

"I have History in that room." He said, pointing to the slot where he indeed had History. I closely looked at his timetable and I realised that him and I had chosen the same subjects accept he chose Art in place of Business Studies, so we were most likely going to be in the same class for most of our subjects.

"We're in the same class." I said. "I also have History so me and you can walk to class together." I flashed a small smile and so did he. I proceeded with taking the books I needed for my lesson before shutting my locker and walking with him to our class.

"By the way, what's your name?" I genuinely asked as we walked side by side.

"Riki Nishimura. You can call me Ni-ki, Riki, which is my first name, Nishi, Nishimura, Cheolsu-"

"Okay I get it!" I interrupted him, then smiled. "I think I'll stick with one. I'll call you Ni-ki."

Ni-ki nodded his head and chuckled. "Cool."

"Where are you from? I picked up an accent." I curiously asked him.

"I'm from Japan, Okayama. I moved to Busan last year and then came to Seoul." He smiled, a light pink hue painting his cheeks and I couldn't help but smile as well. For a boy with the scariest voice I've ever heard other than my brother's, he seems quite gentle and timid.

But I shouldn't assume what kind of a person he is. The last time I made an assumption about someone didn't end so well for me and had me scarred for life.

"Ohh, I see." I slowly nodded. The second warning bell rang, catching both our attention. "Crap, we should hurry otherwise we're gonna be late!" I panicked. I ran up the stairs with Ni-ki stumbling behind me. We pushed through the large crowd of students rushing to their classes and once we were out, I picked up the pace and ran up ten more stairs while Ni-ki stumbled and yelled the words "slow down!" to me.

"Can't!!" I shouted over my shoulder. "Mrs Lee despises tardy students and her punishments for those who don't arrive to her class on time are harsh. So I suggest you pick up the pace and RUN!" I yelled.

We both panted like beasts, running up those stairs as if we were being chased by something horrid that was out to get us! A sharp pain shot through my thighs as I skipped each step to get to the top as quick as I could, but I chose to ignore it. Getting to our class on time was all I could think of. Plus, I couldn't let the poor boy be late on his first day and get punished by Mrs Lee, AKA the grim reaper.

As soon as we reached the top I stopped running. I leaned against the staircase railing, heavily panting as I felt my body start to perspire. Ni-ki screwed his eyes shut as he heavily panted as well while leaning on the wall.

I finally spotted Mrs Lee's class and a sense of relief washed over me once I saw the rest of my classmates hurriedly enter the classroom. At least we weren't the only ones.

"Come on, we're almost there." I told Ni-ki, before leading him towards our class. He sauntered behind me and we both entered the bustling and noisy classroom packed with students. Everyone made their way to their designated seats while Mrs Lee patiently waited for the class to settle down.

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