A small smile came to my lips, "I heard many of you thought her obsession with me was unhealthy."

He had a warm laugh that made him immediately likable. Much like Mélodie's laugh. Dantes and Mélodie share the same curly hair. The difference is Dantes' hair is black, not brown. Dantes' eyes have the same mischievous sparkle. It made me miss Mélodie's amber eyes. A lot of things make me miss her. Everything makes me miss her.

Dantes' leaned back in his chair, the smile never leaving his face, "Yes, many people thought it wasn't good for her to obsess over a...criminal." He said the word cautiously and I let him know I didn't mind the word. It's what I am, why deny it? He continued, "But like her father she found great joy in music and had loved yours." His smile softened, "I could see the change in her face when we first heard you sing. I knew then she had fallen in love with you. It would have crushed her if the authorities took you away and...well..."

I nodded, fully understanding what he meant, "I thank you for that. I am forever in your debt." If the authorities had taken me away it would be an immediate death sentence.

Dantes spoke softer this time, looking at me with Mélodie's kind and sincere eyes, "And I am in yours, for making my sister so happy."

I looked away for a moment, examining the gloves on my hands that I already knew so well, "There aren't enough words to convey how much happiness your sister brought to me. Without her I...I would be dead. For real this time."

He chuckled slightly, "Mélodie can bring happiness to anyone. After our mother and her father died we were all eachother had. She took good care of me. I shall miss her."

I nodded again. A comfortable silence settling between us.

We turned to the door that had just opened and Valentin walked in. I tried my best to hide the satisfaction I felt at seeing the bandages on his face and the cast around his broken arm. He stiffened and frowned when he saw me sitting here.

Dantes smiled at him and stood up, "Valentin! Excellent.
Now that you both are here we can get started."

Valentin took the seat next to mine and Dantes shuffled through some papers. Valentin and I eyed eachother. I stared at him with an arrogant smirk and he eyed me with unspoken hate.

Setting a paper in front of me Dantes pulled Valentin and me from our eye battle, "So, are you sure you want to do this?"

Taking the pen in my hand I signed the paper, "All my life I have wanted to be treated normal. Never have I wanted to be treated like royalty."

I set the pen down and pushed the paper back to the smiling Dantes who said, "Well the deal is done. You are no longer king of New France and all criminal charges against you have been dropped."

I could tell Valentin felt uneasy about the last part but I couldn't care less. I had kept to myself for years until I met Mélodie. I never intended to terrorize anything anymore. All I wanted was a happy life with my lover, Mélodie. Even that proved to be difficult.

Now that my business here was done Valentin left, stiffly shaking my hand, and Dantes decided to walk me to the front door. He walked with his hands behind his back and I briefly remembered Mélodie doing the same thing. We walked side by side, Dantes only a few inches shorter than me. His voice came out gentle but firm, like my Mélodie, "So my sister...she is with you?"

I lowered my head and cleared my throat, "Yes." I need her close. I need her near to make that empty chamber in my chest feel whole.

When we reached the door Dantes squeezed my shoulder and shook my hand, his brown eyes smiling, "Well, then, Monsieur Destler. Like I said it was pleasure to finally meet you. Be sure to come to New France. I would love to hear your fantastic voice again. I am sure it is even better than I remembered it."

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