Chapter 14

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To be honest the evening was not completely a disaster. Only the situation right now was making her completely uncomfortable. Infront of her a sickly laughing clown which is supposed to not even exist.


As I looked down onto my plate of favorite food I wasn't sure if I should trust him but I got nothing else to loose but my own life right now so whatever.
I dig into the food with my fork and eat a bit. I concentrate on the taste and try to block out the cackling coming from the clown that seemed to be on drugs...-_-.
I think I managed it very well because I didn't even realize that he had stopped laughing and was looking at me seemingly knowing that I could not taste the special ingredients he had mixed into my food.
It was not poisioned so I just ate till I was almost finished. I looked up to see the clown poking at his food and ocassionally looking at me.
"Your not gonna eat?"
"Well no I'm more the type for candy."
"Then why you did two meals?"
He just shrugged.
I looked at him from time to time as I slowly continued eating.
"Well you know I came here to talk, so I'm gonna tell you what will be coming in the coming weeks, alright?"
"Yeah sure go on. I mean can't say no now can I?"
"Yes your a good girl." He happily said.
"The game we both will be playing is..."
He drummed with his fingers on the table to make the moment of my insecurity even longer "You will see!"
I opened my jaw slightly full of confusion. 'What why is this clown not even gonna tell me, what we will be doing?!'
He must have guessed what my reaction meant, because he sighed and let his hands fall down from his cheering motion and onto the table.
He sat straight up and placed his head with his chin on the back of his hands and elbows on the table.
There was another moment of silence before he spoke again. That moment gave me enough time to again realize that he was abstruclty tall and I had to look up a bit even tho we bith sat at the table. And that's when I also acknowledge that his legs were probably sprawled out under the table.
"Oh no sugar, it's the name of the game or you can call it: You will find out. Because I will be showing you things that you didn't know about people close to you and that you wish you would never have known."
Now I was stunned, what was he going to show me, I mean what was there that I wouldn't know about all the things around me... that is until I remember something very important. HE is not supposed to exist in the first place, what if there are even darker creatures than him. I honestly didn't want to know. He was right I most likely would be scared to death or well even more...?
It was then that I relized the awkward silence that now took over the room and let's just say it did not imporve the atmosphere, like at all.
'Wow this is doing great...'
"Now, what...?" I asked quietly but he heard me so he looked down at me and said "Well, I was hoping for you to tell me that my food was delicious, but I also expected you to tell me the opposite and then I would have a reason to again terrorize you, but I guess not. Sadly, it would have beeen a great fun. Foor one of us that is. hehehe!" he again started laughing.
'Now I still don't know what to do?'
"Hmpf, your no fun, why can't laugh for once? Was it not funny? Ha, I think it was!
'Oh lord, this is going to be sooo .... I don't know, such a mess? Such a disaster, what has my life become?'
"I could have had a normal life like all those other people!" I sighed annoyed and tired of my current situation. I pushed the plate a bit away and rested my forehead on my arms which layed on the table.
I peeked up at him again, but to my surprise he ws just gone. And so were the plates and over all, it looked like he never even visited. I feared that this was not a good sign, and I was right. Soon it shall all go down.
It's about to go down bitch!' I joked in my head again shortly letting my head rest on my arms and closing my eyes before finally pulling myself together and getting up into my room.
Closing the door behind me I sighed annoyed. "No I will not forget to brush my teeth today."
With that I went to the bathroom closest to me and looked in the mirror. Why was I so pale?
I took my toothbrush did my "routine" and decided to just take bath for some time. It was probably the last time I was able to do so, so... well let's go. Even though that since the arrival of that clown I always felt watched, maybe he was, maybe somebody else, maybe I was being filmed or maybe I was just peranoid. I myself could not decide so I just murmured a "fuck it", put a towel close to the shower and stripped myself of all clothes. Crossing my arms over my chest I was desperate to try and focus on something else than imagine his eyes or somebody else's watching me right now. Well you know they always said try and that it did not work but luckily it did. Hopefully it would last for a while. I already felt very conscious about myself and my body, I did not need or appreciat my anxiety right now. You know what's the best or funniest part about all this. I just started singing while bathing/showering and well, it kind of helped a lot. And I guess I heard myself sing pretty loud but I guess from the outside it was quieter. The thing is our bathroom was not even that big but it still consisted out of a shower, a bathtub a sik, a toilet for sure and two midsized closet like wardrobes(?) that held all the products and towels we would need. The bathroom is mostly blank white but decorated with some red rose accecoirs and some other red accents. Well that's not even important now so, yeah sorry for those boring informations!
After I finished showering I opened the window to let the steamy air escape from it's cage of a room and went to my room. Towel still tightly wrapped around me I chose anything comfortable to wear and dried of my hair as much as possible. Hanging my towel in the bathroom to let it airdry I just closed the window let the door stay open and went to bed finally getting some rest.
I was not exhausted physically but more mentally. So I just cut out any annoying or disturbing thoughts as best as I could. Slowly my mind went unconscious and I started drifting off to sleep. Maybe a nightmare, maybe a blank dream or maybe even a normal dream. I didn't knew and I couldn't care less.

So I think this chapter seemed a bit... messy? What do you think? Oh and sorry for not writing in so long I was just lazy, and I wanted to enjoy my holidays and focus on my intership afterwards so here you go finally another chapter and if you read my last chapter I asked you a question and a special someone supported me and I got the motivation to do as I said.

So here you guys go! Some of my favorite books on Wattpad:
-SarahMKJshe wrote many good books some finished some not
-Moondrop_And_Sundrop wrote the story "A New Life" there is an older and a newer version of thes book and bort are really good
-sleepkittysleep wrote the story "Creepypasta hat keine Zukunft - Failbuch"
-Queen-Of-Weird wrote "A Proxies Prey" and "Not Camera Ready"
-uwu_Love_You wrote "Cannibal"
-KissedByRain wrote "Touch"
-Lisset130 wrote the book "Cursed Smile" that was actually one of my first books I have ever read and I can only say it's also one of the best
-___SHINE___ wrote "The light behind your eyes"
-JRich_2832 wrote "Don't Make A Sound"
-Jcreeps wrote "Schooled"
-bluecat17 wrote "A Little Laughter Left In Me" and not to be mean or anything but if I'm being honest this is and will forever be my favorite even though it's not even finished it's a very long and an especially creative and good story!

That are only some of my most beloved storys.
As you can see most of my stories are about Laughing Jack. He is my favorite character and I even cosplay Laughing Jill so if you habe similar interests as I do go and take a look at those stories some are better and some not, everybody has their own opinion so I'll leave it to you to read them or not! The same goes for the realistic part of the stories. Some are more realistic and some less. And I advise you to read sleepkittysleep's story if you want to dream about hilarious things and want to die of oxygdn loss. Main cause of this will be the laughing fit you will experience so good luck and try to live and send me feedback. If you comment down below or right here which character(s) you like the most from the creepypasta fandom or something else I can give out more of my favorite books from my reading list that you may like. I've got a lot more and I even got some Link or DarkLink Fanfictions.
Now the most important question who do YOU like more Link or Dark Link?!
Im definetly team Dark so leave a 💚 in the comments for Link and a 🖤 in the comment section for Dark Link! And if you like somebody else just tell me and maybe I can get some inspiration for another book? Oh and btw I know it's a little late but HAPPY HALLOWERN AND HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES BITCHES🤡🎃


And maybe I can also give out my TikTok and Instagram out someday. We will see. Bye have a great time.
It is now a couple days later as I continued this chapter and I now do realize that I was so thril,es to continue it that my message after the chapter⬆️ makes it seem like I was on drugs writing this and I am terribly sorry you had to witness that. Probably ate too much candy that day or smth. however I'm also to lazy to rewrite it in any kind so, byeee!*debbs and jumps backwards down from the cliff*
(And well my last sentence just reminded me on a story I once read it's called "bunt und doch schwarz weiß"...)
~LaughingJacky_0105 out~

My dear ol' friend!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن