Chapter 9:

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So im still alive---
Please im so sorry, but I just... no theres not even a good excuse but hey I am back so lets just get going. Have fun!

But guys theres only one thing that bugs me like a lot. How can there be a massive mirder and noone would care? Like whats supposed to be the explanation for this. Honestly even I don't know. How about he does this every couple of years and the carnival can't afford a relocation and somehow the date its happening is always the exact we are there? Idk that doesn't make sense. I need help...

So we practically ran like we had to win a marraton.
After I realized how much time we had left...
Yeah that's the exact reason why we are currently standing in the entrance completely out of breathe and trying to find someplaces in between the other people. We luckily found some in the fifth row so we still sat pretty close to the center inside the tent. The show started pretty normal so I guess I won't tell about you about this part because like use your own fantasy guys? Yeah but eventually my nerves got stuck again because it was getting cold and I felt like I wanted to be in my bed and hide within the covers. That was until I froze completely. Nobody else seemed to notice but I felt a hand. A long hand creep over my should and rest in this position for a minute or so before sliding down my back with like one sharp nail. It didn't scratch but it was so form that I was sure it wasn't my imagination playing tricks on me. I felt the cold presence slowly leave but it stopped when somebody spoke to me, it was Devin. "Hey Y/N how do you like it so far?"
"Oh... well it's good I really don't know why I was  so afraid of clowns and all. Hmhm" I slightly smiled and turned my head just slightly.
Then I felt the cold presence leave completely and slightly relaxed.
After  while I had to use the bathroom, so I excused myself.
Coming back in that tent a second time was my gravest mistake, no even coming to this carnival in the first place was a dumb decision. Nevermind, I came back shortly after they had switched the ´performer´ or better clown. Now it was a pretty disturbing one? I saw him and instantly felt intimidated by him, let alone his presence. It got even worse when he made eyecontact. He had a smalll moderator like microphone next to his mouth and spoke through it to the audience.
"Finally she came to join MY show, this time IN TIME, to be exact.
So now we can start the show." he laughed and kept eyecontact, I could only look at him, because I knew exactly that everyone in this damn tent was looking at me right now. Anyways I made my way to my seat, in between Devin and B/F/N.
"So Let tHe SHOw begINNN... Hahaha" he broke out into histerical laughter and I still partly can´t believe what happened afterwards.
"Where should we start, mh?" Nobody reacted infact nobody seemed scared either but I myself wasn´t sure what I felt, but... when I tried to move, I... I just couldn´t.
It seemed like no one could and to be honest, I didn´t even wanted to so much fear did I felt in this moment.
"Ok what about you little boy. I'm sure your parents here will enjoy the show, right."
I couldn't look, I didn't want to, but I had to. Tho I don't think my brain could really understand and handle those pictures. It was horrible the clown went to the small boy and held him up on his throat. And ... and he just ripped open his chest. The sound still rang in my head as I remembered this moment. I tried to suppress the next pictures that my brain recalled but instead my stomach felt like it turned and I threw up. The officer beside patted my back while I held my head low so the vomit landed in the bucket in front of me. My hands gripped thightly onto it and I saw that I had now vomited the rest of the leftovers that were still in my stomach from my last meal.
"Calm down, ma'am, it's alright no need to force it we can always continue some other time." The officer in front of me spoke softly.
"No I don't want to remember it again, I'll get it done today!" I resisted the urge to cry and bit my lip to stop it from quivering.
The female Officer, Ms. Jones still held my hair back and reached with his other hand for a small newspaper, so I could clean my mouth while the other officer in front of me Mr. Brown rose from his chair and got me a glass with water. I took both things and thanked them.
"So could you maybe tell us what happened after he killed everyone, and maybe some details during this procedere?"
"I guess so and took a deep breath in and out and  began "So as I was saying..."
He killed the poor little boy and I could literally feel the fear from the people around me. The worst thing was, as he continued to murder every single one of the people that seemed frozen to ice and disfigured them horribly in every possible way, I couldn't look away. I couldn't even blink so I was grateful thaty eyes started to tear up and blurred my vision. After the long way of this monster killing almost half of the people here he started laughing again.
"Well, well the fear is getting better and better but I want to hear more of your fearful scream." He snapped with his fingers and I suddenly fell down. We all could move again. Some rambeled to get away others were cowering on the floor and tried to hide. While some even tried to pretend to be dead. But he knew that they were alive. I ran, I ran as fast as I could adrenaline rushing through me. The screams I heard behind me lett me knew that one murder was being followed by another. My breathe hitched but I still ran and ran till I collided with something I looked up to see nothing. I had feared that it would be that creep of a clown but it was nothing. Slightly rubbing my head and standing up I leaned forward  and reached my hand out only for it to again collide with something hard like stone, but smooth like butter.
" No NO ... NONONONO!"
I started screaming and banged at this invisible wall. I heard screams behind me but my eyes widened in shock and I recognized the screams of my two best friends. I shuddered but knew that even if I looked back at them my mental state would only get worse and I would be weaker. So I continued to bang and punch this wall, hoping someone might can hear or even see me.
Suddenly I felt my hand being easily hold back from punching this... thing again. Therefore I felt the hand again, crawling up my spine making me grind my teeth and then resting on my left shoulder. Next this clowns face pealed around the corner of my vision and whispered in my ear. I couldn't even move a muskel I was just frozen by fear.
"It's been a while my dear ol' friend Y/N".
I could only gulp and feel my hand shaking, from adrenaline.
"What? Cat got your tongue? tehehehe hahaha ha ha"
"N-no." I answered as good and clear as I could.
"Oho, I see" He said now out loud as he stood up straight. "Well then let's see how long your gonna make it through my game,  dear!" He chuckled darkly at the end and I had the feeling that whatever he meant wasn't good but I was gonna find out soon enough.

My dear ol' friend!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon