Ch. 12: Dark Heat and Gold Light, Clash of Wills

Start from the beginning

"Gems of Homeworld and all of its colonies!" Lapis yelled out.

"The Trial by Combat between Yellow Diamond and Black Diamond is about to begin!" Spinel shouted as they looked to Yellow and Black, seeing that they were ready. "Gems at the ready!"

Yellow cracked her knuckles and popped her neck as Black Diamond radiated his energy, ready to form his astral projection or make any weapon.

"Let the trial by combat!" They both said as Lapis formed her wings and grabbed Spinel, flying them into the air. "BEGIN!"

Spinel formed a horn from her hands and blew into it, signalling the battle to begin.

Yellow Diamond starts by stomping hard on the ground, making the floor break into pieces and go up thanks to the force of it, then she uses her energy to create a shockwave to send all those rocks to Black.

Black Diamond was quick to create 3 clones and give them all weapons along with himself; one with a war hammer, one with a daggers, and one with a bow and arrows while Black had a spiked chain! The group attacked the derby, destroying it but also clouding Black's vision with smoke from all sides.

"Let's see how special you truly think you are." Yellow Diamond said, but her voice seemed less booming for some reason as she used the smoke, sand and dirty cloud to hide.

Black Diamond and his clones form a circle while stood back to back, watching the cloud for any sighs of Yellow Diamond.

'Odd, I can't hear her loud footsteps.' He thought.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure that seemed to be a large hand loomed over them ready to squash him them. Black Diamond sees that and orders the bow clone to shoot energy arrows at it, but then the arrows just go through as the hand recedes and disappears into nothing.

'What the hell was that?' Black thought as he looked around, more on guard than ever.

Black Diamond quickly assumed Yellow must've unlocked some new power just like Blue did. The question is, what was it?

"In front of you." Her voice was heard, making Black gasp.

Black turned to the voice and was punched in the face, sent flying out of the smoke and rolling across the arena! Everyone gasped in shock as more fighting was heard from the clones in the smoke before it stopped. Before long, someone began walking out of smoke.

"Your senses seem to have betrayed you this time, don't you think?" Yellow said, coming out of the smoke looking...smaller?

"What-what?" Black asked in shock, seeing Yellow so small compared to before!

She looked as tall as Pink Diamond or as tall as him!

"It seems your little rebellion has brought forth something good. You showed us that we have more power than we even thought, we just needed the right incentive to find then." Yellow Diamond said as she stopped in the middle of the arena. "For Pink, it was her insecurities. For Blue, it was her emotional weakness."

"And for you?" Black asked as he got up up.

"That's for you to find out." She said before firing her yellow electricity at him.

The smallest diamond quickly created a shield to block it before jumping out of the way, running around Yellow as he created and fired his weapons! She countered and changed her right arm to Diamond size, slapping the weapons away with momentum and gale force!

"All of my strength and speed, compacted into a smaller and more agile form!" Yellow shouted as she blitzed to Black, standing before him! "I've never felt so alive!"

Gemsona AU: Black DiamondWhere stories live. Discover now