Attack Dog

301 20 4

Tags: Dumbledore bashing, bad light, good dark, AoD!Harry/MoD!Harry
Tw: depictions of abuse, character death

Voldemort had called Dumbledore for a duel. The war has gone on for too long and they've ended up at a stalemate. Voldy planned to end this the Olde way with a duel to the death.

Voldemort had talked with his Death Eaters. All of them. As they bear him mark, he wanted them to know their options. He explained to them, that they were only going to be at the duel to watch. If Voldy won, they were to immediately attack the other side. If Voldemort lost, which he doubted, they were all to immediately flee the country or risk death. Either way, they were to do one of the two options as soon as the outcome of the duel was determined.


Voldemort stood in the middle of a rather gloomy meadow. It was actually the ruins of some old town from the previous war that the light side had blamed its destruction on. He was waiting with his Death Eaters for the light side to arrive.

And soon, they did.

Albus was in front, obviously, but he had a short teenage boy stood next to him. Voldemort could see the edges of a glamour on the raven haired prophecy child.

With barely a glance at the rest of the Order of the Phoenix that was apparating in, Voldy used the time to mutter a parselmagic revealing spell that would only let him see through the glamour rather than taking it fully away. He was horrified by what he saw. That wasn't his greatest enemy. That was an abused child.

Harry stood there in oversized clothes that were ripped and torn and dirty as if he was shoved into a mud puddle before being thrown through cobwebs. His emerald green eyes were dull and tired, flicking between Voldemort and Dumbledore but remaining dead. There was scars and bruises and even fresh gashes painted across his skin without any care that anyone could see if that glamour went down. And the worst thing...

Was the magic collar.

How had Albus gotten such a thing like that?! Voldemort was appalled he would use such a thing on anyone. That was a slave collar! Magical leather or metal devices that attach to a person's neck and gave the owner almost complete control over the victim. The only release is Death, via the victim, owner, or others.

That must be why Harry was so aggressive in any raid or battle that Albus brought him to. Harry was using loopholes to try and get himself killed. If he made himself tunnel vision and went all out, any of the Death Eater's could have come up from a different direction and attacked while Harry was draining as much of his magical core as possible. Voldy thought it was brilliant and very Slytherin but he also absolutely despised the fact that Harry had to even go to those lengths and that something like that would even happen to the Savior of the Light.

Voldemort is going to kill both of them. He's going to give Harry the only Mercy he was capable of. Death. Whether it was Dumbledore or Harry that dueled him today, Harry would still be free.
Actually, Voldy was pretty sure Albus was going to send Harry to fight this duel. Dumbledore almost never fights his own battles unless to improve his image.

And Voldemort was right.


After an agonizingly long tirade about the Dark side from Dumbledore, Albus shoved, rather forcefully, a limping Harry forward and said that the Boy-Who-Lived was going to win the war.

Voldemort watched as Dumbledore tightly gripped Harry's shoulder and whispered harshly in the boy's ear before giving him another shove after Harry gave a timid nod. The interaction made Voldy fume.

As Harry stopped the proper dueler's length away from Voldemort, he stared straight into the ruby red eyes of his enemy and pleaded desperately in parseltongue. Voldemort heard it all from their distance while no one else did because the magic of Snakes blocked any non-parsels, that weren't within a one foot proximity or being directed at, from hearing the serpent tongue.

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