The Prophecy Said So

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"But Hermioneeeee! It said I can't die by anything but Voldemort! We gotta try it!" Harry whined, sitting in a stolen shopping cart at the top of the Astronomy tower stairs. Ron nervously stood behind him, looking away from Hermione's scathing glare.

"Yes, but that isn't reason enough why Malfoy is here too." The girl added, her eyes narrowing in on the blonde Slytherin that was sat in a duplicate shopping cart right next to Harry.

"If Potter can do it, then I can too!" Draco declared, raising his nose in the air. There was a scared flit to his eyes, however, but Hermione knew she wouldn't be able to talk them out of it. She sighed.

"God damn it, you three. Why are you such menaces?" Hermione cried while she squished past the two daredevils and stood next to Ron.

"Go on then." She waved, leaning on Ron's shoulder with a resigned expression. Harry lit up in excitement.

"Really?! Awesome! Ready Malfoy?" Harry chirped, quickly twisting to look at his blonde adrenaline buddy. There was a light pink tint to the Slytherin's cheeks but he puffed up and nodded his head.

"Woohooo!" Harry cried as soon as Ron let the carts go. Him and Draco practically sailed down the stairs in their carts.

"Oh Salazar." Draco groaned, holding a hand over his mouth and looking a little green. Harry just laughed like a maniac to his side.


"Oof! We hit the bottom! Woo!" Harry shouted, throwing his arms up from the bodily tangle him and his daredevil compatriot got into.

"I'm never doing that again." Draco groaned, his head flopping heavily onto Harry's chest with his face still a little green.

"Well, no, of course not! I don't do stunts twice!" Harry laughed out, patting the back of who'd normally be his bully. Harry liked to do this with Draco cause it pulled out the Slytherin's softer and/or more daring side. He'd just wish the boy would finally be his friend.

"Oh Morgana..." Draco groaned at Harry's response, burying his face further in the soft shirt on Harry's chest.

"Hey, you wanna go see if Ron and Hermione are snogging back in the tower?" Harry suddenly asked after a few minutes of them just lying there. The hallway was abandoned during the day, after all. Draco just grunted and started to pick himself up.

"Yeah. I want some blackmail. I'd love to see how many people actually know that they have the hots for each other." Draco reasoned as he dusted of his emerald green jumper made of the finest wool. Harry barked a laugh and picked himself up of the floor.

The two teenagers made their way back up the tower, completely forgetting about the shopping cart mess left at the bottom of the stairs.

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