Part 4- Mon chaton

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A few months later
You're in your office looking through case files as Loki comes in.
Loki: Hey, darling.
Y/n: Hey. *you quickly reply*
He comes up behind you as kisses you on the neck.
Y/n: Loki, not now, I have a lot of work left to catch up on.
Loki: oh c'mon you have been working all week, can we just hang out maybe watch a movie or something.
Y/n: Loki its not that I don't want to I just don't have the time right now.
Loki: oh c'mon, pls?
Y/n: no!
Loki: please?
Y/n: what is going on with you? A no is a no, Loki! Honestly it's like taking care of a baby-better yet a cat and you know what I don't have time for that! *you yell at Loki as Loki snaps back in a surprisingly annoyed tone*
Loki: how dare you compare me to a cat? I am a god!
Y/n: then act like one! *you yell as you slam the door behind you, leaving the room*

The next day:
Y/n: Loki? *you yell but no response*
Y/n: Loki?
Loki: hm? *he slowly responses*
Y/n: look I have to go to work but after coming back I really just want to talk about everything that happened last night. It was just a silly fight so can we just talk after I come back?
Loki: mhm
Y/n: great. Love you, bye. *you say as you leave for work*

As you return home, you look around but no one in sight nor even a sound.
Y/n: Loki you there?
No one answers.
Y/n: Loki?
'Meow' a light purr comes from Loki's room.
Y/n: what?
*you open his door as you see a black cat sitting on Loki's bed*
Y/n: um uh alright so you either got us a cat or your are the cat so which is it? Did we get a new cat?
*the cat slightly nods sideways*
Y/n: are the cat?
Loki: meow
*you sigh as you probably rethink your decision of going out with him*
Y/n: so I called you a cat in a stupid fight which is not even insulting by the way but you decide to do exactly that?!
Loki doesn't say anything as after a minute he lightly purrs.
Y/n: you know what I'm just tired of this at this point I'm just gonna go to bed.
Loki: meow *he says as he stands in front of you*
Y/n: you realise I'm not actually understanding anything you're saying right?
He points to your door for you to open it.
Y/n: Oh no no no. You're not sleeping in my room tonight you either sleep in your room or on the floor but not in my room tonight.
Loki: meow *he purrs in an annoyed tone*
Y/n: yeah bye. *you say as you walk into your room slamming the door in his face. As you get ready for bed he continuously keeps purring from outside but you ignore it as you get in bed. After a few minutes it all finally goes silent, as you decide to open the door you see 'cat' Loki still lying in front of your door.
Loki: meow. *he purrs softly*
Y/n: you know your lucky your cuter as a cat. I'll let you in the room in one condition, you'll sleep in the chair, not in my bed.
Loki: meow. *he purrs as he rushes into your room*
He jumps on the small sofa-bed as he forms into a ball. As you also lie down on your bed, facing him just makes you want to cuddle him as you face the other way, falling assuming.

Next morning, as you get up you still see Loki sleep in his 'cat' form. You get ready as before leaving you caress his head as you leave for work.

At night, as you come back home, you open the door to a few lit up candles and red rose petals spread across the floor.
Y/n: Loki?
Loki: in the study.
You make your way to the library as you see Loki setting up your desk.
Y/n: what's going on?
Loki: well..even though I am the more handsome and more smart and more charming and more-
Y/n: where are you getting at?
Loki: um alright all those things aside I may have been acting like a bit of a pain in the ass towards you so, I'm sorry for that. I want you to know that I know your work is important to you and if it's important to you, it's important to me. So from tonight even though I'll still annoy you I won't be that much of a pain the ass while you work.
Y/n: thank you, I appreciate that.
You go close to him as you rest your arms on his shoulder as you run your fingers through his hair whilst he gently wraps his arms around your waist.
Y/n: just know that as much my work is important to me you are way more important to me. And I want to give my attention and affection but sometimes things like that comes up in work and you have to deal with that sometimes.
Loki: and I will. I'm sorry I didn't try to be understanding before.
*you gently smile as you peck him on the lips*
Y/n: so what were you setting up? A date or something?
Loki: no I was just setting up your desk and I thought the candles would be a nice touch you know you might find it comforting whilst you get your work done.
Y/n: and the rose petals?
Loki: oh that's just something I found on thinking about it that tip might've been for a different occasion.
Y/n: hm maybe. How about instead of all this we can now just go into my room know have some fun? *you finish your sentence as you quickly kiss his neck*
Loki: well your wish is my command, love.
*you lightly chuckle as you both go into your room*

At midnight:
You walk into the other room as you see Roman standing there.
Y/n: what are you doing here?
Roman: you tell me. This is your story, your making.
Y/n: what?
Roman: this is your last warning, Y/n. Look out for Loki and for Luna.
Y/n: who?
Roman: you really 'forgot' everything didn't you?
Y/n: look I don't know what your talking about but you need to get out.
Roman: oh I will soon you will too. And so will your precious Loki and your precious Luna. Tic Toc, Y/n. Time is running out.
You gasp as you wake up with Loki sleeping beside you. You sit up as you try to figure out the dream, as Loki notices.
Loki: Y/n, you okay, dear?
Y/n: uh yeah..yeah I'm fine I just um I woke up for some water.
Loki: ok.
You lie back next to him as wraps one of his arms around you. You close your eyes trying to go back to sleep whilst ignoring the 'dream'

To be continued..

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