2. Ganesh Chaturthi!

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Ganesh Chaturthi is another festival celebrated in India and the rest of the world with great joy and enthusiasm! 

Ganesh or Ganpati is a God in Hindy mythology who has a body of a human and the head of an elephant. 

Every year, Indians celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, a short festival ranging from 1 to 5 to 11 or even 21 days! 

Many families bring the idol of Lord Ganesh to their homes and most societies and localities take the collective initiative to bring the Lord's Idol to the societies and keep it for a few days. (preferably from 5 to 11 days) 

After keeping the idol of Lord Ganesh for several days, comes the day of Visarjana, which is the last day of the festival. On this day, all the idols of Ganesh have to be immersed in water. Legend has it that Goddess Parvati (His mother) Herself comes into the water to take her son back to Kailash (their abode) after immersing the Lord's idol in the water. 

There's a story about how Lord Ganesh obtained the head of an elephant:

Ganesh is the song of Goddess Parvati and Lord Shiva. 

Once upon a time many years ago, when Ganesh was yet to come into this world, Goddess Parvati was tired of being interrupted every time she was having a bath. 

So one day, she instructed Lord Nandi (the vehicle of Lord Shiva) to stand guard while she bathed. However, she was disappointed that Nandi, being extremely loyal to Lord Shiva, had allowed him to enter her private chamber where she bathed.

Getting frustrated that She didn't have any person who was loyal to her like Nandi was with Lord Shiva, she decided to make Lord Ganesh. 

One day, while bathing, she molded the turmeric paste into a human body and breathed life into the molded clay thus giving birth to Lord Ganesh, her child. 

Lord Ganesh, upon birth, was like any normal child with a human head and human body. He was also extremely loyal to his mother, Goddess Parvati, and did everything she wanted him to do including standing guard outside her chamber while she bathed. 

One fine day, when Baby Ganesh was standing guard, Lord Shiva decided to make an appearance and told Ganesh that he wished to meet with his wife. Lord Ganesh, being extremely faithful and loyal to his mother, politely denied Lord Shiva's request. 

Lord Shiva, upon being denied, started getting angry and persuaded the little boy more than a couple of times but  Little Ganesh was adamant. 

When Lord Shiva started losing his patience, he picked up his Trishul (weapon of Lord Shiva which is a Trident) and in a fit of fury, hurled it at Lord Ganesh, thus severing the little boy's neck from his body, killing him. 

Upon hearing the commotion outside, Goddess Parvati came out of her chamber and was shocked and upset to see that her only faithful child had been killed by her own husband. She started mourning and grieving for him and Lord Shiva realized that He had committed a crime. 

Goddess Parvati commanded Lord Shiva to bring back her son, however, Lord Shiva regretfully announced that a head severed by his powerful Trishuk couldn't be put back together again. 

Instead, to rectify his mistake, he asked Nandi and his friends to bring him the head of any person or animal which was sleeping with its head in the north direction. Nandi obliged and went looking for any person or animal sleeping with their heads in the north direction.

Upon searching for a long time, they stumbled upon an elephant sleeping with its head in the north direction. They quickly bought the head of the elephant to Lord Shiva, who attached the animal's head with the body of his son, and Lord Ganesh was born again. 

Many Gods and Goddesses were present to witness the re-birth of Lord Ganesh and offered him several boons. The famous boon which was granted to Lord Ganesh was that everyone had to take Lord Ganesh's name before starting any auspicious activity. Hence, all Hindus usually start their prayers or their day by the name of Lord Ganesha. 


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@jaemin_baised_2000   :)))

Fun Fact: Ganesh Chaturthi started on 31st August and our society had bought a LARGE eco-friendly idol to celebrate with:) It stayed here for a total of five days till 4th September, followed by Visarjana in a large tub in our building itself. Honestly telling, these 5 days were the best in my life as there were a lot of competitions and aarti to attend. 

Until Next, muahhhh. 

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