My Definition of 'Normal'...

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Tori's House

7:25 AM

"Bee-bee-bee-beeeeeep! Bee-bee-bee-beeeeeep! Bee bee bee- CRASH!!!" The alarm clock flew at the wall at an amazing rate, breaking into a million pieces. Victoria Singers groaned and sat up in her bed.

"Great, busted it," she muttered to herself. Tori reluctantly got out of her warm bed and walked over to the broken radio-clock. Kneeling down and assessing the damage, she placed her hand on a piece of the clock. The broken piece of machinery flashed a bright blue and in the next few moments fixed itself. She picked up the clock, now looking brand new, and placed it back on her nightstand.

Tori looked at the time, 7:26. She groaned again and walked over to her closet, pulled out a pair of shorts, a dark blue tank-top, and her favorite pair of ankle-boots. She ran over to her dresser and looked in the mirror.

"How the frag am I supposed to control my powers if I can't even control my hair?" Tori asked herself. She scanned the top of the dresser and found her dry shampoo. She sprayed it in short bursts all around her head, and lifted sections of hair so she could get to her scalp. When she was done spraying, she grabbed her brush and wrestled her bright white hair into place. Then Tori started on make-up.

Mascara and eyeliner were musts, and then she decided to throw on some foundation and save the lipstick for after breakfast. She grabbed her make-up pouch and tossed it into her school bag. Then she grabbed a sports watch, hoop earrings, and her lucky necklace.

This particular piece of jewelry had been given to her great-grandmother by her great-grandfather as a wedding present. The grandmother then gave it to her daughter and so on and so on. The design was simple. An amethyst heart with a small chain attached to a little silver cross. The cross at the end was identical to one her father wore on another necklace. His had a longer chain so that it could be hidden under a shirt, though.

The thought of her father made her grimace. It was his fault she was in this god-forsaken town, going to her stupid school, having to participate in illegal street racing just to pick up the cash to pay the bills. If he hadn't been drinking that night ten years ago, then her mother wouldn't be dead, he wouldn't be in jail, and she wouldn't be a government secret.

Tori brushed off the thought as she walked downstairs to grab some form of breakfast. She opened the fridge and, like any normal teenager, expected there to be mountains of food. Instead, there was some old cheese, uncooked chicken, questionable milk, and a bag of slightly bruised apples. She sighed and closed the door.

She went over near her toaster and grabbed a banana and some peanut butter. 'This'll have to do,' Tori thought. She took a bite of her peanut butter-covered banana, then looked at the time. 8:03. Tori's eyes widened as she nearly choked on her peanut-butter-banana.

"Scrap! I'm gonna be late!" she shouted to no one in particular. Tori ran to her garage and grabbed her helmet off the workbench. She slammed her hand on the garage door opener, and then hopped on her black Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle. Quickly backing out and then closing the garage door, Tori sped down the alleyway praying she would make it to her first period class, which started at 8:15. The only evidence that she had been there moments before was the black tire markings just outside her driveway.


Jasper High

8:10 AM

Miko sat on top of the desk in the back of the room. This was one of the few days where she was actually a couple minutes EARLY to her first period history class.

There were already some other kids in the classroom. Of course, there were the over-achievers; exchange students like herself, but who actually cared about the grades. There was Jon, a crack dealer who hung around before and after school so he could sell to some of the lower class men. Sierra and Cassie, Captain of the cheerleaders and one of her lackeys, were also in the room.

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