Part 1

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I'm Elira, and I turned 23 on August 26, 1999. I have very pale skin, blonde hair, and hazel-green eyes.

I have two sets of parents. Although I adore them dearly, I've recently made the decision to live independently. Although I get along well with my parents and used to enjoy living with them, I now prefer to have my own apartment. And occasionally, they would irritate me by invading my personal space without permission. Despite the stress they and I both put them through, my love for them never ends. Many things, including a new personality of mine and a new chance to make friends, have been made possible by living alone.

Hannah and Mal are my two friends.

Hannah is a year older than me, and Mal is a year younger. Mal is an Aquarius, Hannah is a Libra, and I am a Virgo.

I'm not sure how horoscopes work with friendships, but ours appears to be fine. Not that the zodiac is important or anything, but I find them oddly intriguing.



Hannah is meeting her tinder date for the first time. She wanted Mal and me to come, but to sit far apart and pretend we didn't know each other.

"This is exciting," Mal said before taking a sip of her wine. "I wonder if he looks as good as he does in his pictures." She added.

I glanced over at Hannah, who was waiting for her date, and nervously grinned while placing my hand behind my neck. Hannah had her hair down, dark makeup, and shoes that matched the color of her dress.

I retorted to Mal, "I'm not concerned about that. I questioned her, "Do you think he'll even show up?"

I observe as she spins around and looks at me. Mal was dressed in a short, fitted skirt and a green shirt tucked in. Her dark skin allowed her clothing's colors to stand out.

Mal answered back, "He would be a fool to leave a girl like Hannah."

I gave her a head nod in agreement by doing so.

Once more turning my head, I peered over at Hannah. observing her aggressively tapping heel on the ground while she waits for this guy to arrive. She rolls her eyes at us and casts a blue gaze our way.

"I thought Hannah liked being blonde, but she dyed her hair brunette," I said. I turned to Mal.

I was looking at Hannah and concentrating on her new look.

Mal muttered, "Oh, yeah."
"She decided to alter it slightly for the man she is meeting, and..." Mal pauses in mid-step and slowly scans my face.

I wrinkled my brows in response to her expression.

"Hannah wanted to change her hair because she believes you are emulating her appearance. But please don't tell her that I told you this." Mal spoke in a frightened tone, looking at me to see if I concurred.

I remained silent because I had no idea what I had just heard. I slowly look at myself and then down. noticing that I was wearing jeans, a white singlet, a cream blazer, and heels that matched.


Am I imitating Hannah?

Hannah has such a different aesthetic than I do. Hers is the louder voice, whereas mine is the exact opposite.

I softly scoffed while aiming my finer at myself. "I'm a naturally blonde, Mal. How do I mimic her?"I asked with a slight brow furrow.

Mal shifts in her seat as she scans the room because she doesn't want Hannah, who is sitting across the room, to overhear.

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