Chapter 2

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I am at work now, plugging my crockpot into an outlet so it can stay warm for lunch. Hannah passes by with her morning coffee, a medium, regular, dark roast with caramel syrup from Tims. She told me once about a year ago when I was doing a coffee run and I've never forgotten.

"Morning James, what did you bring today?" Hannah says.

"Just a stew I threw together last-minute last night. How about you?" I reply.

"It can't be too last-minute, based on how delicious it smells. I always look forward to eating your food, don't tell anyone, but it's always my favourite." At her words, I swear my heart skips a beat and I am tempted to tell her how much that means to me and that I'm convinced she is the love of my life. I stay silent. "I brought some classic dinner rolls and butter, I'm hoping they'll pair well with your stew."

"I'm sure they will," I say while staring deeply into her beautiful sky-blue eyes.

"Anyways," she says, "I better get to work, Erin wants this," she points to a folder in her bag, "submitted by the end of the day. I'll see you again at lunch I guess."

"Cya." I say, silently willing her to come back so I can forever be in her presence and a part of her world. But knowing that probably won't happen, I grab my tea and head to my office to start my day by answering emails.

The first hour passes and her door stays closed, I know she's busy working on that thing for Erin, but I wish she would come out of her office, even if I only get a quick look at her. The second hour passes, and I am bombarded with team emails and God knows what. My mind starts to drift.

Hannah Thompson and I have known each other since university when we were in the same class for accounting. I don't think she ever knew or noticed me until we at least started working at the same job. As soon as I saw her finding a spot to sit in that classroom, I knew that I would try anything and everything to make that woman my wife. I know that sounds possessive, but she was my image of perfection. Her beautiful long blond hair cascaded down her back, it was starting to change to more of a honey golden brown as it grew. Her eyes were a stunning colour of blue, when I looked in them it felt like I was floating through the sky. Her skin glowed and she always wore the most elegant set of pearl earrings and necklace. When she saw me staring, she gave me the most dazzling smile, the one that has blessed my dreams ever since. Hannah Thompson was who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Finally, the clock tick's noon, and the potluck is officially about to start. As I finish one last thing her door finally opens and she emerges, I quickly hurry out the room and try to catch up with her. Once I do in a few quick strides I strike up conversation, willing to do anything to get her to notice me. "Hannah," I pant, "how's your thing for Erin coming along?" I ask.

"It's coming," she says, "I still have one last part to finish up, but after a delicious lunch that I have been looking forward to all day, I should be able to finish up no problem."

"That's great," I say, "I hope my cooking is still satisfying your expectations, which I might add, are very high."

She giggles and it makes my heart leap with joy. We serve ourselves some stew and grab some dinner rolls as well as a few other things displayed on the counter. "Do you mind eating with me today?" she asks rather shyly, which seems out of character for her.

"It would be my pleasure." I respond jokingly, but I think to myself, "I must be the luckiest man in this office." Usually, she sits with her friend Cathy, but she's currently away. "Cathy's not here today?" I inquire, desperately hoping she's not.

"No, she on holiday in the Dominican right now."

"That's nice, hopefully she comes back nice and cheery."

"I certainly hope so," Hannah remarks, "she was so stressed out before leaving, it couldn't have been planned for a better time." She takes a few bites of the stew I made, and I swear she moaned. That sound sent me into a state of euphoria for a quick second, sending extra blood to areas where it shouldn't be during the workday. "I must get some of your recipes James, I swear they taste like heaven on earth."

I was more than happy to oblige, but in my current state of mind I felt a lot bolder than normal. "Why don't you come over this weekend and I can teach you instead."

She looks shocked for a second, but responds, "Yeah sure, that would be great. Tell me a time and I'll be there. Oh, I'll also need your address."

"Yeah of course." I say, taking a napkin from the pile I grabbed earlier and search for a pen in my pocket. Luckily for me, I found one, I hastily scribble my address on the napkin and handed it to her. "How does 11 tomorrow morning sound?"

"It sounds great." She replies.

"Well, that settles it," I say while finishing my last bite, "I'll see you tomorrow, Hannah."

As I headed back to my office, I couldn't believe my luck. I invited Hannah over to my house and she said yes! I'd have to do some light cleaning tonight to prepare, and I definitely need to buy some more groceries.

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