Part 8

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Once they arrived in the town's square, they rounded the back of the clock tower where they found it, the smell of iron ran down the brick building, the lush red dripped from the highest window, "I think we have a couple choices." Emmett said as he stayed looking. "The only choice we have at this moment is Gavin, and that's the one we will be seeing tonight." "Did you tell the witch?" Scott nodded, "She's prepared, she says she's going to keep Sage near her." Emmett took a step back as something came falling out of the window, "Isn't this nice." Emmett picked up the head of a male by the hair, "That's the algebra teacher." Scott looked back up, "We have to clean up." Emmett gave a groan, "I call the body, the real mess sucks." Scott rolled his eyes as they made their way up, "Well well, I guess you two have found my feeding den." Gavin said as the Frost brothers looked around to see not just Gavin feeding on people of the town but newbie vampires, "What do you want Gavin." Scott said Beginning to feel angry, "What I told Emmett before, revenge." Emmett glared before he sped to kill the one vampire in the corner by ripping her heart out then spun around to the other side to rip the others head off, Scott gave an acceptable look to his brother before his eyes stayed on Gavin, "Where's the girl?" Emmett looked around pulling a corpse up by the shirt just to wipe the blood off his hand, "Why would I know that?" Gavin smirked giving them both a look, "I hope the event tonight goes very well for the two sisters." Gavin disappeared, "What you -" Emmett looked to Scott as he did to Emmett, "The girls."

"Why do you care so much?" Sage looked to Maisy and Starlett, "It's an event for your work Sage, you want to look nice." Sage gave them a look, "I'm wearing this tonight with Buster in my lap, I'm set. I'm already in my work clothes." Maisy tilted her head, "I guess she has a point, Star." Starlett gave the blonde a look, "See." Sage said, "You know what's fine, don't complain to me when you get a cold." Sage stuck her tongue out as she got tackled back and thrown a few feet away, the girl with black hair stood up tossing her head back making her hair fall perfectly, "Oh how I missed you two." Kamryn smiled as she chewed gum and Sage got up, "I don't think so." Sage ran and managed to kick Kamryn's legs from underneath her as Kamryn grabbed her other leg making Sage fall onto the concrete, "You should train more you're a bit weak." Maisy tried to use her magic but for some odd reason it wasn't working, "And you should remember your enchantments." Kamryn held up her necklace that had another Jewell tied to it, Sage grabbed it pulling her close and head but her making her stumble back. Starlett pushed her away before grabbing a broom, "We were friends!" She looked to Sage who had a busted lip from biting it as she fell, "Yeah when I was human and boring, you weren't actually my friend Starlett, you were just there when I got bored or wanted something," Kamryn laughed, "Like everyone in this town." Sage watched Maisy and nodded, Maisy put her hand out and sent a piercing noise through Kamryn's head causing her to put her hands on her head as she started to crouch because of the pain, "Leave us alone." Starlett swung the broom and caught Kamryn with it, but Maisy was caught off guard when she heard Scott yell making the noise stop and Kamryn tackle Starlett, "All I wanted to do was get her to flip but you're just being annoying." She punched Starlett that would leave a bruise, but Starlett kicked her in the stomach making her fall back into a table just out front of the Kennels, Starlett then moved to her so she couldn't get up, "Something you should know is, you don't mess with family." Starlett reached for whatever she could around the drink table, the broken piece of the broom handle, "No hard feelings, right?" Starlett jammed the Stick into Kamryn's chest. Sage and Maisy both ran to her as Kamryn's body began to shrivel up, "Are you ok?" Sage looked to her sister. Starlett felt off, she had felt something click inside her that made her anger she had been compressing for years flood her body, she looked to Sage, "I don't know." Sage's eyes widened as she saw her sister's bright blue eyes turn the brightest orange she had ever seen, "I'll take her inside and call Scott, Maisy fix the table." Maisy nodded, "Of course." Maisy knelt down beginning to pick up the mess of the attack as Sage took Starlett's hand bringing her inside, "I don't feel right." Starlett said sounding a bit scared, "I know Star." They made it to the back room that they used for supplies, it was bigger than a closet. Sage brought her phone to her ear, "You need to get here fast, Kamryn showed up, Starlett killed her, her eyes went pure orange." Scott on the other side of the phone was concerned but was already at the entrance, she hung up, "Hey." Starlett began to pass around needing to fidget, "We got this, ok? Scott and Emmett are one second away." Starlett looked at her, "I want to do something bad, I don't even care what it is, I want to tear into things and watch whatever is inside of it fly." Sage hesitated but grabbed her sister's shoulders, "Starlett look into my eyes." For some reason this worked for them, it was a safe place for both of them, "Listen, ok? Things are happening and we're going to stay like that forever, we are in this together." Starlett relaxed and her breathing went back to normal as she nodded, "Ok." Sage nodded as the door opened and the boys entered, "What's going on?" Sage was never afraid of Starlett, but would this be the start of it? She knew when they were little Starlett would get violent when she was angry but that hasn't turned into that in so long. Sage watched Starlett and Scott talk the sound drowning out, "Sage." She felt scared and worried that this could turn into something horrible, something that would turn them against each other, "Puppy Dog." Emmett whispered into her ear from behind her making Sage come out of the small trance, "Huh?" Scott turned looking at them, "Tell me what happened." Sage nodded, "Kamryn came after us, she went for me, then turned her attention to Maisy, I got it back, then Starlett grabbed her to get her away from me... After she killed her, she looked at me saying she didn't know if she was ok, and he eyes went to orange." Scott nodded, "We need to talk to Linda." Scott wrapped his arm around Starlett and walked out of the room. Emmett was still behind Sage, "Look at me." Sage slowly turned to him still feeling hesitant, he was so close, his nose almost touched hers... It was like he was trying to trick her or even tease her, "No matter what, everything is going to be ok." Emmett put his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up to fully look at him, "I promise you; I won't let anything happen to you. I can tell that you're scared of something, but I'll take care of you in the long run." Sage's heart skipped as she tried to swallow without it being noticed, Emmett kissed her forehead before walking out to catch up with the others.

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