Part 6

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She trailed off looking to him hoping he's understand, "We did know and date girls who were your doppelgangers, but When I came to town to check on the house and friend I saw you and I wanted to make sure it wasn't her, Charlotte, I stayed around and watched you and I felt like I had to meet you, you're beautiful, kind, caring, nothing like her, I wanted to surround myself of you." Starlett looked at him, "We'll talk... But I want Emmett to stay away from Sage, he's being attacked by psycho vampires, and we don't need her getting hurt." He nodded, "I'll swing by with her things." Starlett nodded, "Thank you. ""Do you need anything else while I'm going out?" Starlett thought for a second and smiled, "Yeah, someone ate all my ice cream pick me up some?" Scott chuckled, he loved the way her eyes twinkled in the light when she could get something she wanted, "Of course." Starlett smiled once more and with that Scott had left, "Star!" Sage yelled as she ran down the stairs, "What's wrong?" She looked to her as she shut the door, "Last night it wasn't just Gavin." Starlett thought for a moment, "Kamryn." Sage nodded slowly, "She has a better chance to get to us than the guys." "Let's figure something out." They ended up going back to Sage's room that once was their room.

Winter Sterling's Point of View

I've heard some things and I knew exactly what I needed... I wasn't allowed to turn back unless she had turned and now that she has the witchy magic is gone and I can return home, the breeze felt amazing on my skin as Charlotte walked up next to me as she got done pulling on her shirt, "Ready to go?" She gave a small chuckle, "It was a good night, what shame to leave it all." I gave a smirk, "Not much to leave behind anyways Charlie Love." She reached down and pulled the laces on her boots to tighten, "Let's go Win, I hear one of your boys are looking for you." I smiled, "Most likely the one who is gone mad." I pushed my white wavy hair out of my face as we began to walk.

How's About Forgiveness?

Starlett sighed leaning back in the swivel chair in Sage's room waiting for her to come back from her shower, "Can you call Scott for chocolate milk?" Starlett looked at her, "We have some downstairs." Sage shook her head, "No Star, just call." Then it hit her, "Right, sorry..." She sent a text to Scott before looking at her, "Do you think you'll ever forgive Emmett?" Sage sat down looking to her, "I thought you wanted me to stay away from him?" Starlett sighed turning towards the bed, "I do, but I need to know where you stand with him because I can't tell you what to do, you're turning 18 soon." Sage looked down, "Don't remind me, ok? I have plenty of birthdays to live it up." Starlett gave her a look, "Don't get me started please, I would like to make this one as great as possible." Sage shook her head, "I don't want a birthday." She walked over to her dresser to brush her hair, "But I thought we were going to get tattoos and have a party." Sage turned her feet staying in fuzziness of the grey carpet, "With who? Mom and Dad are dead, the rest of the family hates us besides weird Uncle Ford, Kamryn our so called friend just tried to kill Scott and Emmett by hurting us and could come back, " Sage sat back down onto the bed, "I don't have friends for obvious reasons, you don't have anyone because they all got out of this forsaken town, there isn't going to be a party, so if you will and please get out that would be great." Starlett looked at her, "I'm not trying to make you feel bad Sage, I'm trying to figure out how to cope with this!" Sage stood up getting angry, "Cope with what?! You have nothing to cope for! Yes, dad died you have one thing to cope for, me? My best friend died at the age of 15, Mom died, Sandy died in my arms, everyone dies around me Starlett; and I'm sorry we are not this thing called close but if we were you'd understand why I'm angry at the world, and why I hate you and Dad so much," Starlett stood up to walk out shutting the door. Sage didn't care at this point she wanted out, she wanted to start throwing things and tearing them apart. Sage turned to the mirror to see her face change just from anger, she turned away trying to make it go back to normal, "You're kind of hot when you're angry." She turned to see Emmett sitting in her window, "Get out." "Come on Sage let me explain." Emmett slid from the windowpane into the room, "Explain what? That you're a bipolar asshole who throws a fit when he doesn't get what he wants? Or that you basically led me on just because I looked like your famous ex that you shared with Gavin?" Emmett groaned rolling his eyes, "You know what yes, I am bipolar thank you for finally noticing, second off what you mean led you on? I've never given you a reason to have your question that I'm leading you on." She gave him a look, "Really because Kamryn basically spilled your little fling last night, and if I remembered you're the one who kept crawling into bed with me." Emmett scoffed, "We aren't even together so why are you doing this?" Sage pushed him to the window, "Get out, don't call me, don't text and don't ever come back, because I certainly don't want to help you repeat history." Emmett looked at her, he could feel the madness vibrating off of her, "Sage, just let me talk." Sage pushed him hard making him go flying through the window, it shattered completely, and Emmett was sent across the street hitting the pavement hard. Starlett rushed into the room to make sure she was ok, no matter how hurt she was she was going to watch out for her sister, "I'm fine, just threw

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