Part 2

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"Hey." Sage looked up from picking up a fifty-pound bag of dog food, "Emmett." "Here let me." Emmett took the bag from her with ease holding it with both of his arms, "I thought you were scheduled until next week?" Sage wiped her hands on her jeans before closing the fence door closet closed, "I called, and Sandy said I could come in since Matt called out." Sage gave a small groan, "So we get to stay later than we need to finish the whole grounds." "It could be fun." Sage just gave him a look, "Oh come on, a day with me? What's not fun about that?" He smirked smugly, "Walk." Sage pointed down the cemented floors that were still damp from being hosed down with water, "You're not excited?" He looked at him with his dark hair looking messy, "To spend the day with a major self-absorbed dick? Nah, I'm electric." Her words slipped with sarcasm as she began to walk with him as he smiled, "I like you." She laughed, "Why's that?" He gently extended his fingers to stop her and make her look up to him, "You're honest," There was small silence as he just stared into her green eyes, "And you're broken." Sage's heart skipped sinking deeper into her chest, "What?" It came out quiet, almost a whisper... Emmett... All he did was give a genuine smile and walked off. After that the day seemed to drag on with Sage swirling in her own thoughts that were only invaded by Emmett asking pointless questions and being nice to her after he broke out with the small secret, he somehow figured out about her.

"Thank you for showing me around against your will." Scott turned to Starlett as they stood at her car, "Thank you for walking me to my car." Scott smiled, "It's nice to see you other than the diner and the supermarket." Starlett chuckled, "Is there any way I can make the whole accidental milk spill up to you?" Scott looked down at his shirt that had a damp circle on the middle of it, "Let me take you out." Starlett looked at him, "What?" Scott chuckled, "Let me take you out Friday night." Starlett bit her lip lightly, "Seven o'clock?" Scott nodded, "Send me your address and I'll pick you up." Starlett smiled as Scott handed her his phone to put her number into it, "See you then." He opened the door for her and shut it once she got in and buckled.

Dinner was quiet as always, Emmett sat in the den of the old mansion on the hill that was just on the outskirts of town... As he sat in the old leather chair, he swirled what was in his glass cup, the red of the liquid seemed to stain the clear crystal, "Brooding as always." Scott walked through the curved door frame, "Scheming." Scott sat in an identical chair besides Emmett but was separated by a small wooden table that held alcohol inside the crystal containers, "Why are you here?" Emmett sipped his drink casually as he sat up in his chair, his arms hanging on the armrests, "I missed home and I missed you, Scotty." Scott scoffed, "I want the true answer."
"Fine, I'm here to rip this old forsaken town apart from the inside and I'm excited to see who I can get to help." Scott squinted lightly trying to figure him out... Some things that come out of his mouth was always lies upon lies but then somewhere under those mounds of lies there was always one sliver of the truth, "Why don't you drink up Scott, get some more strength in ya," Emmett held out his cup towards his brother as Scott's eyes stayed on him with the smallest of struggles, "That's right! You're an animal abuser." Emmett downed the rest of what was in the crystal before setting it down and standing, "Don't think Star's baby sister Sage would like that too much." Emmett patted Scott's shoulder, "Goodnight Brother." With that said the silence filled and Emmett walked to his room, leaving Scott to glance at the red residue cup then back at the fireplace in front of the seating with the shelves around it covered in books.

"Did you leave a window open?" Sage asked as she pulled on her striped sweatshirt over her spaghetti strapped green tank top, "No, maybe Dad did?" Starlett looked back at her as she pulled Sage's blanket down from the top of the bed to the middle of it. The girls would have movie night every couple of nights of the week in Sage's room because she had the better quality tv, "Maybe, I closed it when I got home though." Sage plopped onto her bed pulling the black covers over her lap, "So we have, Monsters Inc. Or... Finding Nemo." Starlett held up two-disc cases, "Monsters Inc. What kind of question is that?" Sage smiled as Starlett laughed and put Monsters Inc. into the DVD player.

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