Chapter Five: The Denial

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"Sorry, why is she here again?" Hugo leaned towards Varian's ear. "Not that I don't trust your judgement or anything, but this was a terrible call."

They watched as Nuru gushed over the different parts of the ship. Yong led the way, giving her a tour of the place.

"You don't even know her, Hugo."

"I know she's a spoiled princess who never had to work for anything in her life."

"You don't know that. She's a really talented alchemist and she knows so much about the totems, and don't forget, she also knows more than any of us about the other kingdoms, so she'll be a great navigator." The princess began making her way over to them, and Varian hastily added, "Try to get along."

"I will, if she does."

Nuru beamed at Varian. "This machine is so wonderful! I've never seen anything like it."

"It's Hugo's design." Varian nudged his friend's arm. "He's really talented."

She looked him up and down. "You made this?"

He smirked. "Yeah, and I didn't need a fancy royal education to do it either."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, even with your infinite resources, you still couldn't keep up with me."

Her expression fell. "My kingdom is not well off if that's what you're insinuating, and I'm the top of my class, so yeah, I think I can keep up with you."

"Oooo, top of your class—"

Varian elbowed him in the ribs. "Uh, Nuru, why don't we show you to your bunk where you'll be staying, okay?"

She gave Hugo one last death stare before following after Varian. "What's his problem anyway?" she asked him once they were inside the sleeping quarters.

"He's kind of prickly at first, but don't worry, he's a really great friend."

"I don't know, Varian. He doesn't seem trustworthy."

"He is! Don't worry!"

"Why'd he join your group in the first place?"

"He said he wanted to turn his life around."

"That was his reason?"

He let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, it was a bit vague, but you know, I really trust him, even if he drives me a bit crazy sometimes." Varian stopped in front of the triple bunk bed, patting the bottom-most bunk. "This one is yours, and Yong will be just above you, and Hugo sleeps at the top."

"What about you?"

"Oh, I just sleep up in the crow's nest where all my lab equipment is. I stay up kind of late, so it's better that I don't bother anyone at night."

"You don't even stay up late," Hugo said, entering through the door and making his way over to the bunks, Ruddiger trailing behind him.

"What do you want now?" Nuru muttered.

"I happen to sleep here," he sassed. "Someone woke me up early for the wind trial this morning and I didn't get any shuteye."

Varian rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, sorry."

"Do you even use your bunk?" Hugo directed his words at Varian. "I spent time building that, you know."

"Oh, it's Nuru's bunk now. I just sleep up in my little lab."


Nuru grinned at him. "Guess we'll have to get along as roommates then."

Hugo narrowed his eyes. "I don't have the energy for this." He climbed up the little ladder, and once inside his bunk, he pulled a small lever near his pillow which drew a curtain around the edge, completely concealing him from view. Ruddiger scampered up the ladder and disappeared after him.

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