Chapter Four: The Test

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The wind cut through them like a knife. It was frigid and ruthless. The three inventors rushed inside the cave, desperate to escape the cold.

Yong huffed and puffed, removing his neck scarf once inside. "Are you sure this isn't the Ice Kingdom? I feel like the Wind Kingdom should not be this cold."

Varian pulled his bandana down to reveal his nose and mouth. "This is for sure the Wind Kingdom. Look at the insignia there."

In the cave were glowing blue rocks that illuminated a large boulder with the mark of the Wind Kingdom carved into it.

Hugo took his frigid fingers out of his pockets and traced them over the symbol. "Let's get this over with, shall we? Ruddiger and I have a nap to catch up on." From within his large coat, a small furry head popped out.

"You brought Ruddiger?" Varian asked, slightly jealous of the increased attention his pet was giving Hugo.

"He sort of came with me whether I wanted it or not. I packed some snacks so that may also be why he insisted on coming."

The cave shook then, and the entrance sealed itself up. Only the blue lights lit their path, and without the chilly wind from outside, the cave felt almost pleasant in comparison.

"Keep Ruddiger safe, okay. We don't know what we're up against." Varian led the way, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. Yong, then Hugo followed after.

The path seemed endless, and the lights slowly grew dimmer with every step they took. They walked in silence for nearly half an hour, Varian growing more and more anxious. He stopped in his tracks then, teetering towards the large pond in front of him. Hugo grabbed him swiftly by the left arm and Yong grabbed him by the right as they both dragged him back.

"Varian, watch where you're going!" Hugo hissed. "You almost went right in."

Breathing heavily, Varian closed his eyes for a moment. "Yeah, that wasn't the plan."

"Guys look," Yong projected. "There's an inscription." On a nearby boulder there were carved letters which he read aloud. "Those seeking the wind totem must sink beneath the surface and face their greatest fear."

Hugo wrapped an arm around Varian's shoulders. "Maybe you had the right idea after all, Hair Stripe."

"So, we step in the water and face our greatest fear and then that's it?" Yong asked.

"Looks like it," Hugo replied. "We should vote who goes in unless there are any volunteers?"

"You mean, just one of us goes in?"

"Sure." He removed his arm from Varian's shoulders. "There's no need for all of us to do it. If this is truly our greatest fear, I doubt any of us will be very mentally stable afterwards, so we need to keep at least two of us sane." They both looked at him. "What? I'm just being practical here. So, who's going to do it?"

There was silence.

"I'll do it," said Varian at last. He hesitated, then stepped forward. "Just, maybe pull me out if I'm under there too long."

"Of course," Yong said.

"We'll be right here," Hugo chimed in.

Varian smiled at them, then turned to the pond again. He breathed in deeply, then without wanting to think much more about it, he took the plunge.

The water was much colder than he expected. Its chill felt almost suffocating. It was also much deeper than he imagined, and he swam straight down, his eyes straining to see anything. The murky water seemed to clear then, as feelings he had long ago shoved away came to fruition, and he found himself standing in the ruins of Corona.

Clueless Varianजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें