At the end of our period,Korosensei laid on the floor, sweating and panting.

"Look at the poor guy he's totally down for the count. " Maehara remarked.

"I say we try our luck ! " Nakamura smiled as she held a knife.

"Not that I don't appreciate it, but why's he teaching us so hard anyways" Okajima asked.

"Nurufufufufu, to get those test scores up why else? If I do that " Koro-sensei began to daydream, " I'll never have to worry about you trying to kill me again! It'll be sheer bliss " Koro-sensei's face turned pink as we all sighed and stared at him like he's stupid.

"You do know that we'll still try to kill you whether or not our grades get better right" I deadpan "after all we want to live till we're in high school".

"Uh I mean the whole helping us study thing is nice and all" Mimura began and I look at him.

"But the reward money we get for assassinating him is nothing to sneeze at " Toka finished.

"Let's face it, who needs to ace a midterm when you've got kind of cash tucked away in your bank account " Nakamura said nonchalantly.

"Money isn't everything people! "Korosensei huffed panicking.

‎‏"Ah, come on. You've got to cut us some slack here. We're the end class." Okajima says nonchalantly

‎‏"Yeah, assassination we can strive for... But academics, seriously why bother." Mimura adds.

"Guys I don't think we should think like that I mean whether or not we get the money we still have to go through high school and all" I say trying to change their minds.

"Come on Hatori what's the point when we have enough cash that could last us a lifetime" Okajima remarks.

When I'm about to argue back Korosensei mutters "I see. So that's how it is then."

‎‏"How what is, sir?" Mimura asks.

‎‏"Do you know what I think? I don't think you appreciate what it means to be an assassin. Everyone, schoolyard. Now!" Korosensei said with a scary tone and his face turns dark purple with an X.

'What the' I gasp feeling a little creeped out.

We all headed out, not wanting to test his patience at the moment. We stood at the top of the stairs, looking down the slope to where Korosensei stood in the middle of the field. I side hugged Karma feeling a little uneasy and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What do you think is going to happen?" I ask Karma.

"I don't know" Karma answers.

"All right children. Love or hate the E class system remedial process, it can work. Imagine placing within the top 50 of 187 students on midterms. Make that a reality, and securing a former teachers permission is all an E class student needs to return to the class from which they were ejected.But given the conditions we're forced to work under, the personal setbacks that landed each of you here are difficult to fix. That's why most E class students are convinced that returning to the main campus is no more than a dream." Korosensei explains as he pushes some kind of box thing across the grass.

'Where is he going with this' I wonder.

Miss bitch appears since Kataoka had been sent to get her.

"don't tell me to hurry up. I'm not a child" she says.

"Sorry Korosensei asked me to bring you" Kataoka explained .

"Miss Jelavitch, I'd like your opinion as a professional assassin." Korosensei says.

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