'And what exactly was that?' his pretence of boredom was growing thin as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. There was no shade in which to seek reprieve from; instead the sun beat down upon him, as relentless as M's unwavering gaze.

Below them there was a sudden flare of car horns, and a cacophony of shouting. Alec turned irritably towards the sound, and in that moment, he nearly missed M's hushed words.

'She's alive.'

For the briefest second, the relief was palpable on his face, his shoulders slumped with the sudden removal of tension, and he let out his breath. It was over in the blink of an eye, so quickly M wondered if she had imagined it.

'Good,' he said shortly, and pushed his chair back, the metal screeching on the tiles.

'Is that all you have to say?' M refused to let him ruffle her feathers.

He paused. When he spoke, ice coated every word. 'I did everything you asked me to. I wanted to be there at the end. I wanted to go to the ship with them. You ordered me out of Russia, and I went. I asked only one thing, that if she survived - if they survived - you would tell me. I know now. I have no reason to stay.'

M picked up her wine, and sipped. Alec sat again, knowing he couldn't walk away, and M knew it too. Neither were willing to give an inch.

'Is she - I mean Ash - how is she?'

'She's acting like the foolish young woman she is.' M let her anger show briefly. 'For as long as I've know you Alec, you've always had women coming out of your ears. What's so special about this one? Why did she have to be one of my agents?'

'She was there.'

M pursed her lips. '"She was there". Is that truly all you can say on the matter? "She was there." Next you'll be asking me to believe that she means nothing to you.'

'She doesn't,' he said, but there was a twitch in his cheek.

'So why go to all the effort to assist her? Why put your own neck on the line? Why bother worrying if she's alive?'

The twitch became a clenching of the jaw.

'But, yes she is alive. As is James. Deronda and Elliot on the other hand are dead, and Hermes retrieved and destroyed. And please, stop giving me that look. I know full well that you wanted to help, but you also know there was no way I could have allowed you to accompany them. So stop scowling at me, and listen to what I have to say.'


'Because I have an agent that is currently walking around like a love sick teenager and its affecting her work. I can't allow her to continue in this manner. Therefore, I want to make you an offer.'

Alec waited. Under the table, unseen, he clenched his fists, half eager, half dreading what this woman was going to say. His meeting with M in this place over a year ago had changed his perspective on life somewhat. Reluctantly, week by week, communication by communication, M had drawn him back to MI6, blackmailing him into co-operation. He knew names, he knew details, he knew locations.


It was such a simple thing, but to Alec it had been everything. A chance to live in peace. M would 'overlook' the 'small international incident' that had been Goldeneye, and Alec's willingness to destroy entire countries, and instead appeal to the man he had become. Tempting him, holding out the shining apple, all he had to do was take it.

He had bitten deeply into it, and found it sweet.

Life had been almost content, until one night, he had discovered his name being linked with a mysterious consignment, and curiosity had dragged him out of hiding.

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