Chapter 1

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The Alfa Romeo Spider slotted neatly into the parking space deep in the basement of the MI6 building, a final roar of the engine surged before it cut out. From the low driver's seat, a pair of legs in pinstriped trousers and high heeled boots swung out. Ashleigh Kain, a member of MI6's Intelligence Service climbed from the car, and then walked across the car park. Younger than most of the agents, at twenty five she was on the fast track within the Service, intelligent and logical, coolheaded and lethal with a weapon. There were rumours that she had been handpicked by M herself to join MI6, and it did seem that the young agent experienced a special relationship with the head of the organisation.

Kain was not what could be called a beautiful woman, at least not at first glance. She was attractive, rather than a great beauty, with a pleasant rounded face, framed by dark brows, and deep golden brown eyes. She was about 5'5, slim and muscled, a result from her love of kickboxing and martial arts. Her dark hair swung round her face in a layered style, her eyes peeked out from beneath her slanted fringe, full pink lips curved in a smile as she locked the car, her pride and joy. Dressed in a tailored suit and a pale blue shirt she strode confidently through the car park and into the building, ignoring the stares that the other agents threw in her direction, curious as usual about the young woman. At the end of a quiet corridor, deep within the building she reached an unmarked door, and slipped inside.

Kain was greeted by a woman in her late thirties, or early forties, elegantly dressed in a navy suit, the hint of a camisole showing above the buttons of her jacket, her pale red hair brushed away from her delicate features. Cool, and efficient she turned her head as Kain entered the small office, and nodded at her, before sliding the file she held into its rightful place within the cabinet. Kain gave a small smile, to disguise her awkwardness. The woman smiled warmly back at her, and holding out her arms, gave the girl a quick embrace.

"Hello, Ashleigh," 

"Moneypenny," Kain's embrace was equally warm, full of affection for the older woman, she let her guard down for a moment, and then stepped back, once more the cool young agent.

Moneypenny smiled once more at Kain, remembering fondly the handsome man that had been her father, his dark good looks echoed in his daughter. "How are you?" she asked. 

It was a sign of Ashleigh's trust of this woman that she admitted her anxiety. "Nervous," 

"You can go right in, M's waiting for you. And it'll be over soon." Moneypenny was quick to reassure, but she noted that Ashleigh didn't look nervous, in fact Agent Kain looked as calm as she ever did as she rapped briefly on the door, and took a deep breath before pushing it open.

The woman that sat behind the desk in her inner sanctum was as cool as the young woman that sat opposite her. Smartly dressed in a linen suit and her grey hair cropped, she appraised the younger woman. She noticed the thin red scratch on her throat, all that remained of the cut taken a few weeks previously, during the capture of the double agent Richard Brent. Kain had really shown her bravery then, allowing herself to be put into a dangerous situation with a killer, and it was her simple bravery that had allowed the agent to be captured. M had wanted a female agent, the sexism that still existed within the organisation would have twisted Brent's mind to think that Kain was not as experienced as she was, and therefore not a threat. It had been a gamble that had paid off.

"I don't like to get personal Kain, but this time I feel I have to".

"Sir?" Kain felt an overwhelming urge to start plucking at the fabric of her pinstripe trousers, but resisted it, forcing her hand to lay flat upon the material instead. Her heart pounded.

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