Chapter 28

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Lucinda Elliot stalked towards her newest enemy, with a look of evil glinting in her eye. Ashleigh stood stonily still, her eyes fixed on some unknown spot up ahead, refusing to acknowledge the other woman's proximity. Lucinda circled her slowly, sizing her up, taking in her height advantage. With a sudden movement she grabbed the collar of Ashleigh's military style jacket and yanked it downwards, revealing Ashleigh's bare arms, pale skinned, and toned with years of working out. The woman was strong, Lucinda had to admit, but then, so was Lucinda. She held the jacket, her hands stroking it in an exploring manner.

'You,' she gestured to one of the nameless guards. 'Search her again.'

'But we already have... she was clean,' the guard protested.

It was a mistake to answer back to a woman like Elliot. Lucinda's china doll face contorted in fury as she snarled at the guard, 'Do it!'

She had made no physical threat to the guard, but Bond had a feeling her reputation proceeded her, the guard hurried to do her bidding. Stay calm, he thought, staring at his goddaughter's blank face. Stay calm, that's right. Ashleigh barely flinched as the guard's hands invaded her personal space once more.

Lucinda stared at the jacket she held in her hand, and with a look of twisted pleasure, firmly tore the seams apart. Deronda flinched, seeing the small, elegant hands resort to brutality, a look of distaste at her actions settled onto his handsome features.

'Get on with it Elliot,' he frowned. 'Time is already short.'

'I want whatever Alec gave her!' Lucinda howled.

'I told you!' Ashleigh almost screamed the words. 'Nothing! He gave me nothing.'

It was a struggle to regain her composure, shivering in the cold air, flinching every time Alec's, no, she refused to think of his name, 'Janus's' name was mentioned.

Lucinda's eyes narrowed. 'Then you are worth nothing to me.'

She snatched a rifle from another guard and tore the shoulder strap from it. She grabbed Ashleigh's wrists, and yanked them together, wrapping the woven strap around them, tightening it until Ashleigh felt her hands begin to tingle with the lack of circulation. Lucinda examined her handiwork with a critical eye, reaching out and adjusting the final knot in a controlled manner.

'But before we get down to anything, I think we should have a little chat, all girls together,' she purred, 'Perhaps compare notes. After all, we do have a certain someone in common.'

'Lucinda,' Deronda grumbled. 'Enough of your games, it's time to start taking this seriously.'

'Oh, but I am taking it seriously,' Lucinda said with a sickly smile. 'Far more seriously than you can ever imagine.'

As she spoke, she grabbed Ashleigh, jerking her along by the strap between her hands. As she pushed her rival towards a door, she turned back towards Deronda and Bond for a final time. 'Just remember that, Caleb, and never underestimate me.'

With that, the two women disappeared into the door. In the brief moment before Ashleigh bowed her head he caught sight of her pale, composed face, her dark eyes meeting his for a moment. She nodded at him, trying to convey everything she was thinking into that one gesture. I'll be fine, she seemed to say, don't worry. This is my fate.

Her fate. Bond had long since learnt that his own life had little value, he had faced death more times than he wished to think of. But Ashleigh? He didn't want her to suffer. If she died here, he thought, let it be quick. Then he remembered Lucinda's penchant for pain, and severely doubted she'd let a rival have an easy death.

Lucinda was the danger here. Lucinda was the real enemy, not this smooth talking charmer in front of him. Deronda was watching Bond with a casual stance. He seemed to have ignored his business partner's parting shot, and was now staring at Bond.

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