Chapter 14

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Deronda tapped his fingers on the edge of the table. The room they were sat in was large, dark and square. A screen behind them flickered with the occasional pinpoint of light. Ah, the typical state room of the would be world dominator. It was so scripted, it was almost a cliché the other man thought, resisting the urge to let out a hollow laugh.

'How can I help you, Janus?' Deronda asked, as if this was a simple business meeting and not a potentially lethal plot between two extremely dangerous and powerful men.

Alec gave a slow, shark like smile, forcing his face into the action. 'We can help each other, Deronda, you know that,' he said smoothly, with all the diplomacy he had acquired over the years.

He hated having to kiss this bastard's ass. Teeth gritted, smile forced, oh how the mighty had fallen.

Deronda returned an equally cold smile. 'Really? I doubt that Alec. I work alone. And quite frankly I'm surprised you came here.'

Alec refused to rise. 'I go where I please Caleb. Always have, and I always will.'

Deronda's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head as if he couldn't quite believe Alec Trevelyan's arrogance. 'You're nothing anymore,' he hissed, 'New powers are rising, and your star is fast falling. You're no longer feared... you're tolerated.'

Alec shrugged. 'Perhaps. Maybe that's why I am here.'

He felt like he was begging for an audience. Deronda remained silent, holding his court. Bastard, Alec swore inside his head, hating every minute of this charade.

Leaning forward, he spoke quietly so Deronda would have to strain to hear. 'I'm hear to make you an offer Caleb.'

'For what?'

It was a close thing but Alec just managed not to roll his eyes. 'Hermes.'

Both men's heads snapped round as a door swung open. Ice cool Lucinda Elliot walked in, only she had the arrogance and the money to invade Deronda's private rooms. She gave a smile at the sight of Alec that verged on a smirk. How fake everyone is, Alec thought to himself. We're all pretending to be something we're not, when in reality, all we want to power, money, and fame. We are filled with greed, and do not care who gets hurt as long as we achieve our grubby little desires. He held back a sigh. He was sick of this. But deep inside his greedy little ambitious self was crying out with the desire to possess Hermes for himself. And he would.

Lucinda walked over to him, and as she leaned over to kiss the smooth side of his face he saw a dark bruise on her hairline. Then her perfume was surrounding him, cloying and thick, and he forgot about it.

'Alec,' she said sweetly. He barely managed a nod, resisting the urge to flinch as her fingers trailed over his scarred cheek. 'I haven't seen you for so long,' she reprimanded.

Deronda watched all this frowning, and impatiently he gestured at the seat between them. Alec refused to look at her, despising her blonde ice queen act.

'I believe you were making some kind of offer, before I so rudely interrupted. Please, do continue...' her voice was honeyed.

Alec was convinced Deronda was royally pissed off at Lucinda's presence but ignored it, and was still staring at Alec.

'Fifty million.'

The figure bounced off the wall, being absorbed. Deronda's laugh shattered through it. 'Fifty million?'

'Dollars,' Alec confirmed. 'US dollars.'

'Really Alec?' Lucinda gave that horribly familiar little smirk of hers. 'I would have thought that Sterling would have been your currency of choice. I've heard you've got quite a taste for all things English....'

Alec's eyes flickered in her direction, suddenly unnerved by her jibe. What did she know? Or was she referring to his defection? He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach...

Deronda by this point had pressed his joined fingers to his lips. 'Don't insult me. Hermes is worth at least two billion US. You do have that kind of money don't you Alec?'

Almost coyly Alec tilted his head. 'I still have my investments. And a few profitable businesses here and there. I'll offer one billion.'

Caleb raised an eyebrow. 'No'. Alec jumped in quickly.

'One billion... and information.'

Deronda paused. 'Information?'

'I know who's on your case. Intimately you could say.'

Deronda was definitely interested. Leaning over he shook Alec's hand. 'Done.'

So Alec spoke. Of MI6. Of James Bond. And of Ashleigh Kain.

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