Empathy on Jin Guangyao and Su She

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Wei Ying take Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang to Cloud Recesse. When they arrive Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen take Nie Mingjue to a room where only Lan Xichen know about.

"Da Ge, I will head back home. I need to come up with a plan to capture both Su She and Jin Guangyao. Also, I want to close our clan gate, we can't let Jin Guangyao yo enter into our clan as he please," Nie Mingjue nodded his head.

"I think I will do the same." 'I will change our security on our protection array,' "Da Ge rest up," Lan Xichen and Nie Huaisang help Nie Mingjue to lay down on the bed. "Once Da Ge is feeling better I will take him to the cold spring."

"Thank you Er Ge. I will head to meet back up with Yue gongzi," Nie Huaisang looked at his brother one last time before turning back around to head back to mer up with Wei Ying.

Nie Huaisang see Wei Ying looking at a certain person who is talking to the Lan disciple, "Wei xiong," Nie Huaisang whispered quietly, "Your not going to let Wangji Xiong know that it is you?"


"I'm glad that your still here. Can you take me back to my clan? I need to get ready to go find Jin Guangyao and Su She."

"That gives me an idea. But capture the two of them first, then I will let the other clan know what kind of person Jin Guangyao is. Come let's head back to your clan," Wei Ying turn to look at Lan Zhan one last time, he then take the two of them to Qinghe Nie clan.

Once they arrive all of the Nie disciple gathered around Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang, "Gongzi, your okay? Your not hurt are you?"

"I'm fine, did Jin Guangyao come here by any chance?" Nie Huaisang asked his disciple.

"Yes, he keep asking us about you and Sect leader."

"Are you all faithful to me and my da ge?" All the Nie disciple looked at each other then back to Nie Huaisang, "of course we are faithful to you and Sect leader, gongzi."

"Okay, then close the gate. Without my permission you can't let anyone enter or open it."

"Yes gongzi!"

When they are all gone Nie Huaisang turn to look at Wei Ying, "Wei xiong, do you want to stay for a while?"

"Of course. We need to deal with Jin Guangyao and Su she after all. Do you have a plan?"

"I do, come this way," Nie Huaisang take Wei Ying to a secret room, "where is he?" Four man in black come out from the darkness, "Still in Jinlintai. Su She is with him. They are discussing how to kill Jin Guangshan."

"Once the two of them went to sleep, use sleep smoke on them. Once they are unconscious bring them back here."

"Yes gongzi!" They disappear from there. "Didn't know you have this in you Nie xiong."

"Only if something is wrong in the family I will have to use this. Jin Guangyao try to kill my brother so, I need people that I can trust to do my spying for me. Wei xiong, want to grab a drink?"


"I know how much you love wine Wei xiong. Qinghe wine isn't good as Gusu but at least you can give it a try," Wei Ying nodded his head.

That night Nie Huaisang spies came back with a unconscious Su she and Jin Guangyao, "tie them up. Are friend here will do empathy on the two of them."

Wei aging went to Jin Guangyao first, he see many evil thing Jin Guangyao want to do. He see Jin Guangyao want to kill him, he want Su she to put the curse on Jin Zixun and tell him that it was Wei Ying who did it. He even want Su she to be at Qiongqi path so that he can take control of Wen Ning, to tell Wen Ning to kill Jin Zixuana and Jin Zixun. And he see how Jin Guangyao is able to enter into the Lan forbidden library while everyone is asleep.

"Wei xiong, what did you see?" Nie Huaisang asked Wei Ying. "Huaisang, let me finish doing empathy on Su She then we will have a talk with your brother and Zewu Jun."

"Okay, then I will get my spy to go get Jin Guangshan as well," with that Nie Huaisang left the place.

In Su She mind Wei Ying see talk about how they haven't seen Wei Ying for a while now. They can't go on with the plan to kill both Jin Zixuan and Jin Zixun. They are now setting their mind on killing Nie Mingjue instead and then they want to kill off Jin Guangshan as well.

"These two are evil. I don't mind them killing Jin Guangshan, he deserve to die anyway but why want to kill Jin Zixuan, Jin Zixun and Chifeng Zun. If I remember correctly, Jin Guangyao got kick out of the Nie clan, but what for? What did he do?" Wei Ying went to find Nie Huaisang.

"Nie Xiong," he see Nie Huaisang walking out from his room, "what is it, Wei xiong?"

"Do you remember that time, when Jin Guangyao left the main room? What happen inside the room anyway?" This got Nie Huaisang to think as well.

"Did you see it when using empathy on Jin Guangyao?" Wei Ying shook his head no.

"Did you sent someone to go get Jin Guangshan?" Nie Huaisang nodded his head. "Then let's wait for good news. And then we will head off to Cloud Recesse."

The next day, one of the Nie disciple came into the main room, "Er gongzi, Sect leader Jin is outside. He want to come in."

"Tell him, this is my da ge last request. No one can enter into the Nie clan, no one can rise the gate up. Tell him that."

"Yes gongzi."

The spies came into the room, "gongzi, Jin Guangshan is in the dungeon. We put him somewhere away from Jin Guangyao and Su She."

"Good job, you may go now," they disappear from there. "Wei xiong?"

"Right on it."

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