Jiang Yanli Wedding

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While Wei Ying is out buying more thing for Wen Qing and her family, nearby a couple of cultivators is talking about Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan's wedding. 'Shijie and that peacock is getting marry? Well, at least he finally realizes his feeling for her.' Wei Ying walks over to the cultivator, "Excuse me?"

Those cultivators turn their attention to Wei Ying, "you all said that Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan is getting marry?" They nodded their head, "Can you tell me when will it be?" Wei Ying asked the cultivator.

"A week from now."

'A week from now,' "thank you," Wei Ying continues to buy things for the Wen clan, he also wants to get his Shijie something as well. 'What can I get for Shijie? There not much here in Yiling. I should head to Yunmeng since Yiling and Yunmeng is close to each other.'

After Wei Ying got everything, he send it back to the other back at the burial mound on the other side of the mountain. Wei Ying went toward Yunmeng town, 'I wonder what can I get for Shijie and that peacock. There is a lot thing around Yunmeng town,' that is when Wei Ying sees a pair of bracelets. The two pairs have Lotus flowers and White peony flowers on it, the bead is the color of the Yunmeng and Jinlintai clan color.

'This is perfect. I can enhance this bracelet, it can protect Shijie and Jin Zixuan from any spell and Yao. It will repel them,' "I would like to buy these two pairs please," after paying the vendor they put it in a very cute box for Wei Ying, "Thank you."

Wei Ying returns back to the burial mound, he already fix up the cave that he is staying in. The place has a warm bed, a door, and many other things Wei Ying put in his cave. It won't feel cold during the winter, now he will stay warm and cozy inside of his new home.

A week later

"Finally, it is done. Now Shijie and that peacock will stay safe and sound. I wouldn't want anything to happen to them. But now the problem is, how will I enter into Jinlintai?" Wei Ying walks to LanLing, he is trying to find a way to get into Jinlintai.

When Wei Ying got there he stand far from the place, 'this place feel unease,' he look down at the box in his hand, 'how will I get this present to Shijie?'

"Is you," Wei Ying turns around to see, 'Lan Zhan! Perfect timing!' Wei Ying on a big smile behind his mask, "Lan er gongzi, Zewu Jun," Wei Ying gave a bow to the two twin Jade.

"Lan er gongzi, can I ask you to do me a favor? Or more like a favor from Wei Wuxian," hearing Wei ying name Lan Zhan eye went wide, "Wei Ying? How is he doing? And what kind of favor?" Lan Zhan asked Wei Ying (remember Lan Zhan doesn't know this mask person is Wei Ying. Don't want to confuse you)

"He is doing fine. And the favor is," Wei Ying holds out the box in his hand, "This is a gift for his Shijie Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan. I couldn't go in there, could you give this to her for me? Tell Jiang guniang that this is a gift from Wei Wuxian."

"If is from Wei Ying, then I will give it to Jiang guniang and Jin gongzi," Wei Ying handed his present over to Lan Zhan. "Thank you, Hanguang jun. I will take my leave now," Wei Ying turn to look at Jinlintai one more time, 'Congratulations Shijie,' with that last thought Wei Ying left from there.

'Wei Ying. Where are you? Don't you want to see your sister wedding?' "Wangji," Lan Zhan looked at his brother, "don't you want to give it Jiang guniang and Jin gongzi? It is from Wei gongzi after all right?"

"Mn. Will give it to Jiang guniang." The two Lan brothers enter into Jinlintai, they see Jin Zixuan is talking to his guest.

"Jin gongzi," Jin Zixuan excused himself, he walk over to where Lan Zhan and Lan Xichen is at, "Zewu Jun, Hanguang Jun," he gave the two Lan brothers a bow.

"Jin gongzi, can you let me see Jiang guniang? I got a gift for her, it is from her Shidi Wei Wuxian," Lan Zhan hold out the gift for Jin Zixuan to see.

"Please follow me," Jin Zixuan takes Lan Zhan to where Jiang Yanli is staying. "A-Li," instead of Jiang Yanli opening the door, it was Jiang Cheng instead. "Hanguang Jun."

"Here. Present from Wei Wuxian. To Jiang guniang and Jin gongzi," Jiang Cheng takes it from Lan Zhan hand, he opens it, "bracelet?"

"I sense a protection spell and other spell on it." After saying that Lan Zhan left from there, 'Wei Ying.'

Wei Ying didn't leave LanLing, he stay there until Jiang Yanli wedding is over. The town is celebrating Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli wedding, the town is full of decorations and a lot of fun things to do.

Wei Ying decides to go back to Jinlintai, he wants to see the wedding since this will be his last time seeing his Shijie and Jiang Cheng. Wei Ying sees that there is no one guarding the front so he sneaks in, he hides behind a large statue and from there he is able to see Jiang Yanli in her wedding dress.

Wei Ying sees the bracelet on Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan wrists, 'I'm happy that peacock is wearing it. I wonder what made him wear it. It is either Jiang Cheng threat or Shijie word. Maybe both.'

When the wedding is over Wei Ying left Jinlintai. He heads back to the burial mound. 'I'm happy for you Shijie, you deserve a good life.'

About 2 months later while Wei Ying is out in Yiling again he heard a couple of cultivator talk about the birth of Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli son, 'A son, then that mean I have a nephew. I should make a gift for him, I think I already know what to get him.'

About a month or so later it was his nephew 100 months. As he walks toward Jinlintai, he hears what the other cultivator is talking about. This time Wei Ying is wearing all white and his mask is a white color as well. 'They haven't pick a name for their son yet,' "Your bad at picking a name Jiang Wanyin."

'Of course, he is,' "can I help?" Jin Yanli, Jin Zixuan, and Jiang Cheng turn to look behind them, "who are you?" Wei Ying walks over to the baby, he ignores Jiang Cheng question, "how about Jin Ling as for courtesy name Rulan? This is a gift from Wei Wuxian to his nephew."

"Rulan? Sound like a good name, thank you gongzi," Wei Ying nodded his head. "I will take my leave now," with that Wei Ying left from there. "He didn't tell us who he is. Why did he leave so early?"

'Be safe my nephew. That bell will keep you safe from evil,' "I didn't see Lan Zhan. I hope he is doing well." Wei Ying vanishes from there and reappears back at the burial mound.

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