Ashleigh's first impression of Lucinda Elliot was of a walking china doll. Her brown eyes met the icy blue pair of the other woman, and immediately knew that this was a rival. It was a deep, innate reaction, and she was overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of hatred she had for this woman, despite never having met her before.

Bond saw the way Deronda's eyes flickered towards Lucinda. There was a look of controlled anger on his face, as if he did not welcome this interruption. With a tight smile on his face, he turned once more to his hostages.

'I believe you've already met Lucinda Elliot, my colleague.'

'Now, now Caleb, that gives the wrong impression of me,' Lucinda's blue eyes glittered as she appeared to tease the man in front of her, 'I'm actually his business partner.'

Regally she made her way down the metal steps until she was level with the group. Obediently the circle of armed guards parted to let her pass. With a staggering amount of self possession she stalked up to Bond, and laid a hand upon his cheek.

'James, such a delight to see you again.' She smiled, and Ashleigh felt a shiver pass down her spine. 'Although I do hope this time you refrain from knocking me unconscious.'

Bond merely stood there, his jaw tensed against her touch. There was no hiding how much he despised this woman.

'There will be time to talk with our guests later, Lucinda,' Deronda said, in a cold voice. Turning, Lucinda smiled at her partner.

'Of course there will be. I just wanted to familiarise myself with them once more, and I do believe that we haven't been introduced.'

Once more she was staring at Ashleigh. With the woman standing in front of her, it was increasing difficult not to ignore, or be intimidated by her presence. Although it was with a degree of satisfaction that Ashleigh noticed she had a good three inches of height on the smaller woman.

'My name is Ashleigh Kain,' Ashleigh said quietly, refusing to let this woman intimidate her.

Lucinda cast a slow glance over her, still with the smug little smile on her face. 'I had thought as much. So you're Alec's new little whore.'

Ashleigh stared blankly over Lucinda's head, feeling the urge to flinch fill her. Just hearing this woman say his name was enough to send a shard of pain through her.

'That is enough, Lucinda!' Deronda's anger was plain to hear.

For a moment it seemed like Lucinda would openly argue with Deronda, but at the last minute she bit her tongue. Turning she smiled at Ashleigh. 'You and I shall have to talk later, just you and me, perhaps compare notes on Alec.'

Ashleigh stayed silent, fearing the tirade that would flow from her if she were to open her mouth.

'I hardly think we can be described as guests,' Bond intervened, 'I believe hostages would be a better choice of word.'

'Hostages?' Deronda gave a hollow laugh. 'Whatever made you think that you and Miss Kain are hostages, Bond?'

'If we are guests, why was it necessary to blow up our transportation, killing two innocent men in cold blood?'

'A regrettable loss. But entirely necessary. We require your cooperation, Bond, we believe that you have something in your possession that we need. And we would be most obliged if you would hand it over now.'

For once Bond was surprised. 'I'm afraid I have no idea what you are talking about.'

The simple charm that Deronda exuded immediately disappeared. 'Don't play games, Bond. We know that either you or Agent Kain has it in your possession, and if you do not hand it over now, the consequences will be severe.'

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