Chapter 2

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If they find me, that won't be good.

Winter was worried about if he'd been seen. Yes, seeing Changbai and Kinkajou would be cool, but he could not see Moon! She was the whole reason he was in this condition!

Suddenly, he saw Changbai looking directly at him. While it was a fuzzy image, there was no doubt he was facing him. Winters hiding days were over!

"Over here guys!" he called.

All three started to approach before Kinakjou yelled out in amazement. It was like hummingbirds mixed with screaming monkeys.


She ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He couldn't even get words out of his mouth, so he had to wait for her to stop which felt like an eternity!

"Greetings, Winter." Changbai laughed. "It's nice to see you again."

"I would say the same, but my visions to fuzzy to see you." Winter joked.

"We'll it's good to see you again." Kinkajou said. "Moon, come greet Winter."

Ha! She has to be told to see me! Am I surprised, no.

"Hi, Wint." she mumbled.

Moon was shifting her talons, making Winter feel uncomfortable. He knew she felt some guilt for rejecting him, but he didn't care anymore. He just needed her not too act like he was absolutely nothing!

"Why are you guys here?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Clay sent us to invite dragons from around the continent to the school." Kinkajou said. "Why don't you come?! It'll be fun!"

Back to the school of misery?

"When?" he asked, avoiding his annoyed thoughts.

"It starts back up in a week." Kinkajou said.

"But would Snowfall even let him in?" Moon asked.

"He isn't part of that kingdom anymore!" Changbai protested. "He can go if he wants."

Ha! You got nothing on me, Moon, you pest!

So, he would head off to school in a week. Old friends, enemies, free food, free living space, and overall better conditions. He would be in a good place.

One thing tugged at his mind still. What kind of enemies would he make this time? More or less, how many?

I'll have lost respect. But, I have an idea.

When Winter awoke the next morning, Kinkajou was jabbing his side. She wore a look of excitement as well as worry. Winter knew she was just as conflicted of what other dragons would  think of him.

"Moon and Changbai are outside waiting" she said. "So let's go!"

The group headed off from Possibility with silence. It seemed as if the day before had riled up some stuff I'm everyone and they were more distant.

You can blame darkness over there. She didn't need to act like a total...... knockout.

He was also confused about why they were having him leave right away. Couldn't he stay and think for a few days before heading off. It was only a days journey away at most.

He didn't  speak up though. After all, questioning people who were taking him somewhere other than sandy city may not be a good idea at the moment.

So, the group flew to the mountain. It didn't actually feel like the worst journey. He had a few friends and only one nuisance to deal with. Plus, he'd see some one he could become friends with at the school. Probably.

Or, Moon would tell everyone how broke down I am and they'll laugh at me. True, I usually do have enemies.

He still didn't know why Moon was being such a pain still considering their whole feud was mostly over. He accepted that she chose his friend instead of him and just wanted to SHUT THIS WHOLE THING UP!!!

So, his mission would be simple at the school. Get into the school, make some friends, make a new reputation, and start over! Before Moon ruined everything...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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