3- Jason the homework stealer

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Maria POV:
Lots of things annoy me about Jason, he's too picky about what he eats, he steals my homework and he just thinks he's the top G... Whatever that is, Jason is the type of guy that thinks he's being funny but he really isn't, once he called his own mother a dickhead and thought it was funny... His mum beat the shit out of him when the guests were gone.

Third person POV:
Jason's blond hair bounced up and down in anticipation while Maria searched through her bag for her homework, her eyes lit up when she saw the school bus, She took a random paper out of her bag and handed it to the blond headed Jason, he snatched the paper impatiently and observed it carefully, "Hey! This isnt your homewor-... Where'd she go..?"
Jason looked and looked but he couldn't find Maria, He started to sweat hysterically to the point that his eyes teared up... He needed that homework.
Maria POV:
I have finally escaped from Jason,  I hope he likes my summary of Peppa pig season 1 I worked super hard on it just for him- he really thought that was my homework? Pft-- if anything he deserves to be humiliated, it just needed to happen! Wait whats that sound? A train? No way I'm nowhere near a train station.. oh it's my phone!

"Hello?" I hesitate, not knowing who called " hey hun... It's me" Is that dad? He sounds so depressed! " Is that you dad? Why do you sound so worn down?" My eyes widen and I start to go numb... Grandma. . . Is she really...


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