Chapter 3

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Green eyes. The woman had the most beautiful pair of green eyes you had ever seen. And as her gaze met yours, you could see your future unfurling before you. The future of you and her together.

Feet slightly burrowed beneath the sand as you gave the woman a piggyback ride heading towards the waters, her giggling like crazy, clutching tightly against your shirt. Her laughter was a wonderful melody, the missing note to the harmonious sounds of waves splashing and seagulls squawking in the background. But was it really the future or only a made up fantasy in your head?

You were suddenly brought back to reality when you heard your name being mentioned. The doctor was currently checking the woman's vitals, asking what level of pain she was feeling, advising her that the drugs might be making her head hazy at the moment. You realized then that the wires from the hospital machines were no longer attached to her body, feeding tube also removed. The woman even acknowledged her name was Leigh when the doctor asked for her details, surprising you.

The nurse and doctor finally walked out of the room together after Leigh confirmed she had been feeling a bit tired. Eyes still on the door, you were then taken aback when Leigh suddenly fisted her hand against the collar of your shirt and pushed you harshly against the wall, your breath knocked out of you.

The softened green eyes you had been mesmerized before glared at you like slits of snake's as she hissed. "Who the fuck are you?! Why are they calling you my girlfriend? Where did you send me? What did you do with my powers?"

Being attacked by the woman you saved was not the first thing that came to your mind when you and her would officially meet. But then again, you shouldn't even be expecting for a sweet reconciliation either, because you two were basically strangers.

"What powers?" you managed to utter, your hands wrapping around her wrist, wondering how she still got so much strength after everything that happened to her.

"Don't you fucking lie to me...," she spat, only tightening her clutch against you. "Who do you work for? Or did Stephen send you to punish me? Give me back my powers..."

You tried to push her off you but to no avail. "What are you talking about?"

The woman only maintained her stance, stepping closer as she lingered her face mere inches away from yours. "You are not my girlfriend... I don't have a girlfriend."

"I know, I know," you quickly answered, fear and guilt washing over you. "I'm so sorry about that lie-"

"I am also not Leigh...," she went on, head tilting, eyes appearing to be reading inside your head. Can she even do that?

"My name is Wanda."


"I'm so sorry, Wanda," you muttered. "I did what I had to do, okay? But I don't know anything about Stephen or whatever powers you're talking about..."

As if on timing, Wanda winced. A pain somehow struck inside her chest as she groaned, finally letting you go. The concern in you was far greater than the fear you were feeling as you gently led the woman back to lay on the bed.

"You should relax," you pleaded, voice restrained. "You just got out of surgery..."

"I feel so weak...," she gasped as she let you carry her to the bed. "I haven't felt so weak like this before."

You had been incapable of empathy before until Wanda. She was so helpless and lost, and your presence only seemed to make her worse. "That's because you were in a coma for three days-"

a sad witch and a broken dame (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now