Chapter 29

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True to his word, Yedam stopped by with all of Jennie's stuff in cardboard boxes. It wasn't much, and that infuriated me even more. Her entire life fitted into three measly boxes, and the thought of her not having more clothes, more belongings, pissed me off to the point of insanity.

I stacked the boxes on top of each other and went up the stairs. Opening my bedroom door, I saw that she was lying down on the bed, her hands on her lap. She turned when she saw me, one brow cocked upwards, with a confused look painted across her face.

"This is all your stuff?" I asked harshly as I dropped them to the floor.

She swung her legs off the bed, and she walked over to where I was. She got down to the floor and began opening the boxes. She pulled out her clothes and set them down, and the fact that her clothes took up only one box had me shaking.

Why was I so fucking angry?

"Those are all the clothes you have?" I spat, and she ignored me as she opened the second box.

Books. She pushed it to the side and opened the last box. It was her laptop, phone, house keys, and toiletries. She pulled out her phone, and I saw her sigh loudly as she tapped on the screen then placed it between her shoulder and ear.

"Hyun-suk. I'm sorry, yeah, something came up." She spoke, picking at the loose strand of the shirt she was wearing, her eyes on the floor. "I should have called earlier, but I'll have the article sent to Chahee. Yeah, I'll call her now. Sorry again, you know this job means everything to me. It won't happen again, and I'll be there tomorrow morning. Thank you, Hyun-suk. Alright, bye." She hung up, then dialled another number, this time standing up and going back over to the bed.

"Hey, Chahee." She chirped, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I suck! I know. I just spoke to Hyun-suk, and I'll be sending you my article. Have Suho edit it and tell him not to tweak anything, or else I'll have his balls." She laughed, "I owe you for this. Tomorrow night, dinner and drinks are on me. I promise. Love you too, Chahee. Bye." She hung up and came back to where I was. She snatched her laptop from the box and the charger before going to the first plug she saw. She sat on the floor and plugged it in, and I watched her focus intently on the screen as her fingers typed away on the keyboard.

I watched her, anger leaving my system, and now awe replaced the rage. My eyes scanned across her face to see her lip tucked between her teeth and her eyes darting across the street as she nodded her head while reading. Her fingers clicked away without missing a beat, and the way her brows furrowed and her head cocked side-to-side was entrapping.

Captivating. Fucking, captivating.

She was breath-taking. In all her beauty, she was utterly breath-taking. She robbed me of my breath, vaporised my anger, and stole my entire train of thought by just sitting there, working, in my house, my room, while wearing my clothes.

Why did that make it even hotter?

Again, I found my resolve snapping, and I was this close to burying my face between her legs while she worked. God, the thought had me already crossing the room to get to her. She looked up once I extended my hand towards her. After setting the laptop down, she let me lift her off the floor.

"I have an event to go to tonight, and I would like you to come with me."

I saw her chew on her bottom lip for a second. "Won't people talk about me? They'll think you fucked me or something to get me to stop writing about you." She spoke nervously.

"I didn't think about that. I just wanted you to be with me tonight. My manager and coach think it's a good idea to show up next to my teammates. That way, people will see that there's no bad blood between us. I'm not looking forward to it at all, but I thought if you were next to me, it'd be bearable."

"I want to. It sounds like a nice change of scenery. I just don't want anyone talking about you. I know I'm being hypocritical, but I don't care. I don't want anyone dragging you through the mud."

"So, only you are allowed to?" I joked, but my tone was serious.

"Yes, only me."

"Come with me tonight. Indulge me, baby."

"How am I supposed to say no when you look at me like that?" She murmured, eyes boring into mine.

"How am I looking at you?"

"Like I'm the only person in the world that matters."

You are Jennie. You are.

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