Chapter 28

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"It's not a game, Jennie. Admit what you already know is true, and I'll fuck your ache away. I'll make it so good for you, baby. Just say the words that I want to hear."

She tilted her chin in defiance. "My body is mine, Lisa. I'm tired of people trying to control me."

I sighed exasperatedly. "I'm not trying to control you, Jennie. I'm not like your father or your shitty ex-husband. If you thought that I was like them, you would have never come to me from the very beginning. You trust me because you know me. Your body knows me. It knows its master. When I tell you that you belong to me, I'm speaking sexually, intimately, but you're so fucking stubborn thinking that I want to own you outside of the bedroom. I don't. You're a free soul, and I'd never want to clip your wings, baby. I want to help you soar even higher, and if you can't see that, then I'm sorry."

"Now, do you want pancakes or French toast?" I asked, changing the subject.

She looked at me as if trying to soak in my words, but I could tell that she was still angry from me cock-blocking her orgasm, and the fact that I wouldn't touch her. Not until she admitted who she was to me, not until she dropped that fucking guard that she always brought up whenever we were intimate.

I wanted all of her. Not tiny little pieces that she offered whenever she deemed fit. I wanted to consume her, swallow her whole, and in order for me to do that, Jennie needed to give herself to me without an ounce of doubt.

Her dark brows furrowed, and her sex-hazed eyes flickered down to the salute my cock was giving her, and I watched her chew on her bottom lip, contemplating. The attraction between us was undeniable, incomprehensible, and the longer she denied it, the harder I'd fuck her in the end. She knew this, and I wanted to see how long she'd fight me. Fighting with her always got me hot, so I didn't mind her little temper tantrum. Her body knew it was mine. It was time for the rest of her to get the message.

"Pancakes." She grumbled.

I stood up, grabbed my empty cup, and headed towards my kitchen. I could hear the padding of her feet behind me, but she didn't come inside the kitchen. Instead, she chose to sit on the stool to watch me. I gathered up all of the ingredients along with my glass bowl, measuring cups, and whisk. I melted the butter first and allowed it to cool down before whipping the eggs in a separate bowl, so the pancakes came out fluffy. Next, I measured the flour, the baking powder, and sugar with a dash of cinnamon and a pinch of salt. I mixed it with the whisk before pouring the butter and buttermilk into the egg mixture. Without over-mixing it, I poured the wet batter into the dry mix before I could forget. I grabbed the vanilla extract from the fridge and poured in some before heating the pan and greasing it with butter. I poured and flipped until two stacks of fluffy, buttery pancakes were on the plates.

I grabbed the fruit salad that I made yesterday from the fridge and placed it behind me where she was sitting. I set the two plates down and grabbed the syrup bottle as well. I made two cups of coffee and went and took the seat next to her.

"Dig in, kitten."

I watched her reach for the syrup and drench the pancakes before licking her lips and digging in. "I hate you."

She said once she swallowed her bite.

"They're good, huh?"

"So, do you cook pancakes for all of your other lady friends?" She asked without looking at me.

"I didn't live with any of the women that I've dated. If they were to sleep over at my place, I'd have Mrs. Choi cook them a meal. Mrs. Choi is my housekeeper." I clarified, then added, "I'd usually be gone before they woke up, and if I weren't. I'd eat with them but not cook for them."

I've only ever cooked for you.

She didn't say anything after that. We ate our pancakes and drank our coffee in silence. I didn't know if it was a good or awkward silence. I couldn't tell. Jennie seemed fine as she downed the last bit of coffee in her cup before gathering up her dishes and placing them in the sink. I told her she didn't have to do the dishes and that Mrs. Choi would do them, but she gave me a look that had me helping her with the dishes.

Quietly. God, it was so quiet. Was she mad?

Obviously, I've dated women, plenty of women, but whatever I had with them was normal, something out of convenience. Even with Nancy, we were on and off because I didn't want to be tied down. Nancy was known for sleeping around, but it didn't matter to me because we weren't official.

Being in the public eye meant everything is scrutinised. The way you live, the way you dress, who you date, who you go out with, where you eat, and you have to be more than careful who you're spotted out with. The media world was ruthless, relentless, and they could smell a scandal from miles away. Looking over at Jennie, who was drying the last plate, all I could think about was how it was a scandal that brought us together.

As if sensing my eyes on her, she looked up at me through her lashes, and my eyes came down to her lips. The mole that I used to love tracing with my finger, the one I loved to kiss, the one that got me so fucking hot, was there. Tempting me to break first, tempting me to get on my knees and worship her sweet cunt with my tongue. I wanted her to ride my face, to suffocate me, as she rode herself to an orgasm, or two, maybe even three.

But then, the sound of my phone ringing snapped us back to reality, and I saw her leave the towel on the counter before stepping out of the kitchen and going upstairs back to the bedroom. I grabbed my phone off the counter and saw that it was Don. I picked it up immediately.

"What do you have?" I asked,

"She filed for divorce almost a year ago. It wasn't public because her father had the paperwork hidden, kept quiet. The apartment she lived in was under her mother's maiden name, but the records were public, and Yorba Linda isn't known for its organization. It's not known for its anything, actually. That's probably how her father found her. I've sent Yedam to pack up her stuff; he should be there soon. Her husband is..."

"Ex." I corrected him.

He cleared his throat. "Her ex-husband is squeaky clean. His records are fucking pristine, Lisa. I have nothing on him."

"Get something on him." I hissed, "Fucking get something on him!"


"The restraining order, did you get it done?"

"Yes, that part was easy."

"Either you get him to sign the papers, or I will!" I threatened, "I want them both out of her life. Do you understand?"


"Good, now don't call me back until you get it done."

He sighed over the phone. "Alright, I'll find a way. I spoke to Coach Teddy before I called you. Your suspension is over, and the fee was paid. There's a game in a few weeks time."

"I know."

"There's also an event that Coach Teddy wants you to attend with your teammates. To show that there's no bad blood between any of you and that it was all just a misunderstanding."

I rolled my eyes but asked nevertheless, "When?"


I pinched the bridge of my nose and let out a puff of air. "Fine."

"Lisa, don't cause any more scenes, or else Coach Teddy is serious about the expulsion. This is your third warning."

"I said, fine." I spoke through clenched teeth.

"Alright, the car will be there to pick you up at eight later."

"Get it done, Don."

"I'll call you when it's done."

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