Bravo Six Going Dark

Start from the beginning

Laswell: How's Elizabeth doing?

Y/N: Great (smiling) she's graduating next year from NYU

Laswell: And you won't miss her graduation ceremony remember come December you get an extended home leave after all these years so you'll be with her during the holidays her birthday and her graduation (smiling)

(Y/N smiling simply just staring at the photo of them two and remembers that day)


(Y/N called in a few favors to be able to be let in the set of his girlfriends first movie role, trying not to draw attention to himself. He talked to the director if he could round up the cast for a "meeting" )

Movie Director: Everyone gather around (as the entire cast forms a circle) thank you guys I just wanna say everyone is doing an incredible job and we're on schedule with filming so everyone give yourself a round of applause (starts clapping)

(Y/N slowly walks to the group as the cast sees him but couldn't help but smile, then he causally walks next to Lizzie and says)

Y/N: Sorry I'm late boss won't happen again (smile) So what did I miss?

(Lizzie with the delay reaction at the sight of her boyfriend then after it finally hit her and yelled out)

Lizzie: Y/N!!!!!! (Jumps in his arms and kisses him)

Y/N: I'm here my love (smiling)

Lizzie: (crying) You came home to me (smiling)

End Of Flashback

?: Laswell? You here?

(Y/N stands from his chair and puts the photo away)

Y/N: Captain Price it's an honor sir (shakes his hand)

Price: Captain L/N the honors all mine heard you American boys are joining us cleaning out this safe house in London

Y/N: Time for some payback for those innocent lives taken at the US embassy and at Piccadilly Circus Captain.

Price: Exactly what I wanted to hear L/N. Meet my right hand man Sergeant Kyle Garrick we call him Gaz

 Meet my right hand man Sergeant Kyle Garrick we call him Gaz

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(Y/N and Gaz shake hands)

Gaz: Good to meet you mate.

Y/N: Likewise brother

Laswell: Great you guys finally met let's go over the details about what's to go down

(Laswell goes into detail about the safe house it's a 4 story apartment complex with tight corners and narrow walkways )

Laswell: Be advise civilians are inside so watch your shots everyone copy?

Y/N: Crystal

Laswell: Besides that you have full executive authority on this one gentlemen, get ready everyone we'll hit them tonight at midnight

Camden Town, London, United Kingdom 2200 Hours

(Y/N equipped with a mp5 with a suppressor, laser sight attached to it and along with a M1911 with a suppressor equipped along with the rest of team making their way through the backends of the apartment once there they stack up on the metal gate)

Price: (talking into his radio) Laswell we've made to the safe house.

Lawell: (through the radio) Copy alright mission is a go stay safe.

Gaz: Rodge

Y/N: Remember there civilians inside the building no full auto in the building copy?

Everyone: Copy That

Y/N: Alight gaz wanna do the honors of letting us in?

Gaz: It'll be my honor L/N (pulls out a pair of bolt cutters and cuts the lock on the gate)

(The team quietly makes there way to the back door of the apartment once they arrive a SAS soldier sets up the retractable ladder)

SAS Soldier: Here you go mate

(Y/N nods then proceeds to climb up the ladder with his pistol in hand)

American Soldier: Boss we're stacked up against the front door

Y/N: Copy, Price wanna take care of the lights (then a woman enters the kitchen Y/N restrains her quickly) Don't move (zip ties her hands)

Price: Bravo Six Going Dark (The entire building goes dark)

Y/N: Night Vision gentlemen (draws his MP5 slowly makes his way to the living room takes out 3 men holding AK47s) Living room cleared making our way to the second floor (front door opens) welcome inside boys

Price: Bravo Six sweeping the second floor. Y/N you and your men take the third floor

Y/N: Copy, Delta Watch those corners (on the third floor he slowly opens the first door a man is holding a woman hostage Y/N neutralizes the man with a shot to the head the woman screams but runs to the bed to grab a weapon Y/N quickly reacts and drops the woman breathes out) Two X-rays down moving ahead to the next door (after clearing out 3 doors) Delta 1 moving on to the last door

(Y/N slowly opens the last door then by mere inches bulllets went over his head, then he quickly takes him down then cries of a baby start to fill the room then a woman runs to the crib to grab the baby weapons aimed at her) get them out of here

Price: Y/N meet me and Gaz on the last door of the building.

Y/N: Copy on my way

Price: Gaz wait here L/N on me (making their way up the stairs Y/N tries to open the door)

Y/N: Shit locked

Price: Way ahead of you mate (grabs a crowbar and forces the door open then they see woman with her hands up)

Y/N: Stop right there! (Weapons drawn she looks back at something on the table) Don't you fucking think about (yells)

Price: Drop her (the woman runs to the table Y/N instantly neutralizes her)

Y/N: (walking up to the table and picks up a detonator) Fucking hell she was going for a detonator.

Price: Good thing you took her down. Let's gather all this intel Laswell is gonna want to see this

A/N: My longest chapter to date and the one that took the longest to write, also next chapter will be a LIZZIE focused chapter!! Stay tuned and hope you guys liked this chapter

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