Early Bird - Little!Billy + Vance x CG!Ghost Boys

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IDC that Billy didn't have much screentime, this boy was a total sweetheart and no one can convince me otherwise 😤 btw, I love griffin, but I couldn't really find a way to incorporate him in this one. However, he'll be in the next chapters for sure

Bruce was woken up by the light shaking of his shoulder. He could hear small giggles coming from his side and he tried to hide a smile. The shaking stopped for a moment, and Bruce could tell his sweet boys were confused. Bruce quickly jumped up, letting out a playful roar, and pulled down a squealing Billy.

Billy was laughing and smiling while Vance stood near the bed, looking grumpy as ever. Bruce sat up, chuckling and tickling Billy's side a bit. "What're you doing up so early silly?" Bruce asked playfully. "Dunno! Jus woke up an couldn't seep." Billy answered cheerily. Vance grumbled and pointed to Billy, indicating that if Billy was up, he was gonna be up.

Bruce nodded a little. Billy was probably still on paperboy schedule, so he woke up a lot earlier. "Well, we're up now. You two wanna go see if the others are awake?" Bruce asked. "Yes pease!" Billy yelled. Bruce smiled brightly and kissed Billy's cheek. Vance looked less than thrilled, but Bruce couldn't blame him.

Vance was always a little on the grumpy side when little. Especially when Billy got up early and Vance woke up with him. Vance didn't understand how Billy and Bruce had so much energy at four in the morning, while the rest of the world slept. However, if they were up, he was and even if he didn't want to admit it, he wanted to be with them.

Bruce stood up and set Billy on the floor. "So. How old are you guys?" Bruce asked, kneeling in front of them. "I'm four!" Billy said, holding up four fingers. "Wow! You're pretty big, huh?" Bruce said, ruffling Billy's hair and making the boy giggle in the process. Vance thought for a moment and held up two fingers.

"Not really in a talkative mood today, are you baby?" Bruce said sympathetically. Vance shrugged and yawned a bit, making grabby hands for Bruce. Bruce smiled and lifted Vance up, kissing the boys cheek. Vance blushed and looked away, a little embarrassed. Billy giggled and held Bruce's free hand. "Who first Billy?" Bruce asked.

"Hmm...oh! Robin an' Finney!" Billy said happily. Bruce chuckled and nodded, letting out a small yawn. A guy could only have so much energy at four in the morning. Billy quickly and quietly walked over to Robin and Finney's room and snuck in. Bruce waited by the door with a tired Vance on his hip and rubbed the blondes back soothingly.

Billy gently crawled onto the bed and gently tapped Robin. Bruce smiled a bit. Billy was always hyper, but he never forgot to be gentle at least. Robin groaned and pulled a pillow over his head. Billy giggled and tried Finney, who woke up like that.

"Hmm? Oh...Oh, hey Billy! What're you doing here?" Finney asked, rubbing his right eye. "Waking yous up!" Billy replied. Finney let out an 'oh' and laughed a bit, pulling Billy close and kissing his cheek. Billy giggled again and gave Finney a kiss on the cheek as well. "Thank you Billy! You're such a good boy." Finney said.

Billy smiled and looked at Robin curiously. Finney nodded and shushed the boy a little, reaching over and pulling the pillow off a smirking Robin. "Alright, alright I'm up.." Robin said, stretching and yawning. However, while stretching, Robin felt one little boy jump into his lap. "Hi Rob'n!" Billy said happily. "Hey Billy.." Robin said, still waking up.

Billy noticed this and frowned a little. "Sowwy..." Billy muttered. Robin perked up at this and kissed Billy's head. "It's fine, ninito. I'm just still waking up." Robin said with a tired smile. Billy smiled back and  looked over at Bruce. Bruce smiled playfully at the two and walked over to the bed. "You two slept well. Together." Bruce said.

Robin and Finney blushed a little, Finney more so than Robin. "I just needed to cuddle before getting some sleep is all." Finney mumbled. Vance whined from Bruce's arms, pulling on the boys shirt. "Well he's hungry. Shall we?" Bruce asked, standing up and walking to the door. Robin scooped up Billy, making the boy laugh.

"We shall." Finney said with a small smile and walked out the door, Robin following with a laughing Billy in his arms as he tickled the regressed boy. Bruce smiled at the sweet sight and sat Vance on the floor, causing the boy to whine. "I know, honey. But I gotta make you breakfast! I'll be done soon." Bruce said, kissing the boys nose.

Robin took a seat with the laughing Billy and stopped tickling to let Billy take a breather. "Told you I just needed to wake up, early bird." Robin said, tickling Billy's side. Billy giggled and pointed to the T.V. "Pease Rob'n?" Billy asked, a cheesy smile on his face. Finney had taken a seat near Vance and looked over at his boyfriend.

"Alright, alright. But when breakfast is done, we gotta eat in the kitchen." Robin said. Billy cheered and Vance climbed onto Finney's lap. Finney quickly turned on cartoons for the boys and sat closer to Robin.

A few minutes later, Bruce came in with one sippy cup full of apple juice and a bottle of warm milk. Thankfully, Robin let the two eat in front of the T.V so there were no fits. Bruce even joined them on Vance's insistence.

While it could be difficult with a hyper early bird and a grumpy little boy at times, the boys wouldn't trade Billy nor Vance for the world.

It's 3am where I am so this is probably a mess. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
- Zoe

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