chapter 5

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It was a lovely morning, the type Edgar would enjoy to wake up to every morning, gentle rain hitting the window, Edgar eye slowly started opening he felt numb he couldn't feel his legs nor arms he looked around to see where he was at, he knew he wasn't at home because the house smelled sweet, to sweet for his liking he focused on the window and tried to recall what had happened last night, he slowly got up and looked next to him he jumped when he realized he was in his rivals bed! How did he get here?!? His rival was in a peaceful slumber his hair was more messed up then usually his phone on his chest he looks so adorabl- Gah! What am I thinking?? I'm his rival! Edgar said to himself, he got off the bed and grabbed his cloak which was on the chair he heard movement on the bed he glanced over and his rival had woken up.

Ranpo yawned then look over to Edgar then said "Good morning Edgar! How was your sleep?" Ranpo asked "I slept quite well" Edgar answered his questioned, Ranpo happily jumped off the bed and mumbled something "I don't feel like continuing the mission.." Ranpo mumbles to himself "Hey Ed! Wanna hang out today?" He said making the Novelist jump at the sudden reaction "Ranpo we're rivals were not friends, maybe you could hang out with dazai or Atsushi" Edgar mumbled at a tone where Ranpo could hear "Oh? I thought we were friends!" Ranpo said mumbling the last part "Pardon me..?" Edgar questioned making sure he heard him correctly "Oh Nothing! Anyways can we just hang out together? I have nothing else to do today besides the case and you also get to hang out with the world's best detective!!" Ranpo exclaimed Edgar just sighed in defeat then replied with "Alright fine Ranpo-kun.." Ranpo smiled then said "Yay! Alright now give me a moment I need to change" Ranpo said happily while heading to the closet, Edgar Heart started beating quickly what is this feeling.? He wondered, he walked towards the door to the exit the room and remembered he hadn't fed Karl yet. "Ranpo-kun Can we meet up somewhere? I forgot to feed my pet!" Edgar shouted "Yeah sure let's meet up in the Cafe!" Ranpo replied "Alright I shall see you soon." Edgar ended the conversation, he made his way out of the house he grabbed the door knob and twisted it he took a step out closing the door behind him he looked around and continued walking to the train station he made it to the train station he got his ticket and patiently waited for the train.

The train finally arrived and he took a step on and sat next to a little girl for some reason she looked quite familiar but he couldn't remember her name, he just sat there wondering if he met her before after 15 minutes the train doors slowly opened and Edgar stood up and walked out, he didn't notice the little girl slipping something in his pocket Edgar continued walking for a good 10 minutes when he reached home he saw a black cat in his front yard he and the black cat made eye contact poor cat seemed awfully skinny Edgar can not let that slide he quickly unlocked his door and rushed inside going to get some cat food that he feeds Karl and feed it to the cat, he grabbed a bowl filled it up while also grabbing another bowl but with water inside he went back out he gently placed the bowls on the grass and waited for the cat to come towards it Karl was just watching it happen the black cat hissed then slowly approached the 2 bowls after the bowls were right in front of the cat the cat start eating it "i guess I might have a new Friend, well if you will be living here I guess I shall give you a name..." Edgar spoke to the cat he started wondering what he should name this cat, he finally gotten a idea! "How about pluto? It sounds like a great name for a cat like you!" Edgar Said happily his hand slowly approached the cat and when his hand landed on the cat he started petting it the cat purred and leaned into it making Edgar feel quite happy he then remembered about Karl, he got up and went to get a bowl of cat food for Karl he placed the bowl down and Karl went to eat it, Edgar looked down at himself maybe is should change into something else he wondered he picked up Karl and pluto and placed them in the house pluto explored around while Karl just laid on the couch Edgar went up to his room to change into some different clothing, he made it to his room and opened the door closing it behind him he walked over to the bathroom then into the closet his eye looked around the options he could pick from, he picked out a white collar shirt and a V neck brown sweater vest with brunette color pants,
He took off his current outfit then put on the white collar shirt and the brown sweater vest he pulled up the brunette colored pants he looked in the mirror and examined himself, he decided to add a black belt should I put my hair in a bun or a low ponytail? He questioned he heard scratching on the door and opened it pluto walked in he hopped on to the toilet then on to the counter he glanced at Poe then meowed Poe looked at the cat and petted him "I guess I should do a bun then." Edgar mumbled, he grabbed a bow and tied his hair into a bun he checked back into the mirror and confirmed he looked great, he exited the room and headed down the stairs he checked his phone and he had gotten a message from Ranpo not to long ago

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