Chapter 2

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The ride to there destination was also silent, the train finally makes it stop and the 2 men step out of the train, Ranpo starts walking into the small forest, Edgar followed behind him "Ranpo do you know where we are going?" Edgar questioned the smaller one "are you really questioning the world best detective?" Ranpo questioned back at the taller man,
"Of course not!" Edgar said "Alright, alright follow me!" Ranpo said pretending like nothing happened while dashing deeper into the forest
Edgar started sprinting while holding on to his cloak that were siting on his shoulders.

He finally catches up to the little sweet tooth his hands were on his knees gasping for air, he looked up half of his hair uncovering the other eye, a tall house stood in front of the men, vines were hanging off the house, dead trees surrounded the house, "Ranpo-kun is this the p-place?" Edgar questioned the smaller one "yep it is! What? Are you scared~?" Ranpo teased "o-of course not!" Edgar said while he stuttered.

"Well if you say so ed" Ranpo shrugged
Ranpo walked in without a problem, the taller one gulped and followed his rival into the house, "it smells awful in here" the taller man said with a disgusted face "sorry but you will have to deal with it Edgar" Ranpo said sounding annoyed while walking to the kitchen, broken glass scattered across the room, cabinets were all open and roaches crawling around  "oh my" Ranpo says sounding surprised "im gonna examine the living room" Edgar said sounding like he wanted to get out of there "Alright go ahead then" Ranpo uttered while exploring around the messed up room.

Ranpo was devastated when he found nothing in there "found anything yet, Edgar?" Ranpo shouted to his rival "yep I have!" Edgar finally answered Ranpo quickly made his way to the living room, Edgar stood up from the spot he was at and handed Ranpo a piece of paper, it had numbers on it '851216'
"Im guessing it may be a code" Ranpo guessed " found anything else then this?" Ranpo asked Edgar "thats all I found so far" Edgar replied, Ranpo just simply nodded and started walking to the dining room, the whole room was messed up, the table was flipped the chairs were all down, there was more broken glass scattered across the room again, Ranpo was careful while walking around the room, unfortunately the room had nothing important in there
"I'm gonna be upstairs Ranpo!" Edgar gave Ranpo a heads up "Alright I will be up there soon" Ranpo did one last check then started going up the stairs to the next level of the house there were many rooms up there.

He decided to check the door on the left, he entered the room and it look like a child's room, it seemed like it belong to a little boy, the room seemed normal but Ranpo still searched he found another paper '2312038' he heard someone cursed and Ranpo decided to check on Edgar "Edgar are you okay?" Ranpo went towards from where he heard the voice from "Yes I'm fine Ranpo-kun!" Edgar said "Alright also did you find anything?" Ranpo asked "Yes I have its another paper with a code" Edgar answered "what does it say?" Ranpo asked another question "it says '25152118'" Edgar answered again 
"Alright! Give me the paper after this" Ranpo said to Edgar and went back to the same room and searched around, there was nothing else but at least he found a piece of paper, Ranpo move on to the master bedroom, the roomed looked clean which was suspicious but he examine around the room and found another piece of paper '21311' what are all these paper supposed to mean? Ranpo questioned himself, Edgar walked into the room, "Ranpo-kun i think we should speed up the search its getting late" Edgar said to Ranpo "Edgar can you check the other rooms? im getting sleepy" Ranpo asked "of course!" Edgar replied "Thank you Edgar!" He skipped out of the room Edgar sighs and decided to check the bathroom
He enter the bathroom and glass was everywhere

He tried to not fall and hurt himself because he already did while he was in the other room he checked everywhere but couldn't find anything, he left the bathroom and started heading down the stairs, he assumed Ranpo already went back to the A.D.A, Edgar tried to open the door to exit the house but it didn't open, "guess im gonna go through the broken window" he mumbles to himself he went to the window and exited out, he accidentally cut himself on his hand again, the moment he stepped out it was already night time.

He stood there wondering if he should do more searching or not "Boo!" Edgar heard he fell to his knees "Haha! Got you! Do you really think I would leave you here by yourself? Even after you cut yourself?" Edgar got back on his feet  "how did you know I cut myself..?" Edgar questioned "I hope you know you left a trail of blood when you were checking the rooms" Ranpo answered
Edgar look at left palm, it indeed was bleeding alot, Ranpo grabbed onto his arm and started dragging him, "i know we might be rivals but I'm still gonna take care of you" Ranpo said "thank you Ranpo-kun.." Edgar mumbled to the sweet tooth "No need to thank me!" Ranpo dragged him to the train station they both waited for the train in silence
"Oh yeah I almost forgot," Edgar said Ranpo look at him with confusion, Edgar grabbed a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Ranpo, "here you said to hand this to you" Edgar said with a smile, Ranpo looked at him, wow he was handsome "Thank you Edgar!" Ranpo grabbed the paper and put it in his pocket, "Also mind if I get your phone number?" Ranpo asked
Well that was kinda unexpected "sure"
Edgar took his phone out and handed to Ranpo so he could type it in "Thanks!" Ranpo said to him Edgar simply nodded 

The train finally got there at last they both took a step on to the train and sat next to eachother, the silence was loud.
After 35 minutes the train stopped and the 2 took a step out of the train Edgar tried to walk off and hoped Ranpo forgot about his hand, nope he didn't
"Where are you going Edgar? I'm taking you back to the A.D.A so I can bandage up your scars" Ranpo stopped him "oh right" Edgar laughed awkwardly and started following Ranpo back to the A.D.A when they both enter almost everyone has left for the day, the only ones that were left were Dazai and Yosano, "welcome back you two" Edgar heard the voice, it sounded like it was from a female "Hello Yosano! Do you have any bandages? Edgar hurt himself on the mission," Ranpo asked "yeah we have some for your boyfriend" Yosano replied Edgar face started getting hotter by the minute just by the word 'boyfriend' he shaked his head to just pretend it never happened, Ranpo was bandaging up his hand "you should have been more careful" Ranpo said
Edgar felt as if someone just took a picture of them both but just thought he was dreaming so he jus pretend it didn't happen "there you go! Alright you can leave now Edgar!" Ranpo said
"Thank you once again Ranpo-kun" Edgar thanked him "No problem!" They both waved goodbye to eachother and Edgar started walking home, were they still rival? Or is he his friend? After a 10 minute walk he finally made it back home he took out his keys and unlocked the door "Karl I'm home!" He heard tapping and there he was! His beloved racoon, Edgar closed the door behind him and crouch down to pet Karl, Karl climb on to his shoulder, Edgar started walking to the fridge to grab some grape for Karl, "here you go Karl" he said while feeding him.

After he was done he put it back in the fridge and headed to his small library, he took a seat at his desk and took out a pen to start writing Karl peacefully went to sleep on his lap, Edgar started playing some music and started writing. Did he finally make a friend?

We are Rivals! -ranpoe Where stories live. Discover now