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Info : Maki a bubbly and clingy boy dating someone Cold introverted and older

And I suck at writing a cold personality so don't judge Kay😭


Maki pov

I was in my kitchen making popcorn because me and my girlfriend are having a movie night!!!!.

I planned this ofc cuz I haven't seen her in exactly 14 hours 12 minutes 43 seconds.

I Was exited seeing my girlfriend again or Y/n again ISTG WHEN I SEE HER I WILL HUG HIM AND SHOWER HER WITH LOVE.

She don't actually like affection but she said she'll try to get use to it, such a good girlfriend yeah.

Then I heard the door bell ring and I ran to open it and I saw her and ISTG I HUG HER AND SHOWER HER WITH LOVE.

"NOONA YOUR HERE" I said then let go of her that she can come inside but she just nod and enter the house not saying anything.

You might be calling her rude or uh idk cold? I know she might be like that but she's kind ok she's kind and I know she love me deep inside, I hope...

And then after that we set the popcorn start the movie. While we were watching the movie I wanted to hold Y/n hand but she keep on ignoring it :(

A few more minutes in the movie I was feeling sleepy and try to find a pillow to lay on but my head and eyes are too lazy to even move.

And my other side wanted to lay on Y/n shoulder while my other side says she will feel uncomfortable.

And my sleepiness took over and lay my head on her shoulder and my hand who I thought was dead held her hand then my eyes closed then stepped on dream land.

Y/n pov

I was watching the movie with all my attention because the juicy stuff was happening when Cassandra got to know Leshane's secret. And I while I was watching I felt something heavy on my shoulder the I turn to look at it and saw that Maki has sleep ony shoulder.

I froze and I didn't know what to do since I keep on ignoring his uh affection do you call it that?.

I keep on ignoring it because I think I will do something bad that's why.

So I didn't know what to do and just froze.

Then I felt him moving and make a weird noice and he keeps on moving then I felt his hands wrapped around my waist and burrying his head on my shoulder then I heard him say.

"You feel so cozy noona" then he look up and kissed me on the cheek which made it a tinted pink color.

"Get off" I said in my closes cold tone as possible and try not to scream the sh*t at myself.

"Ahhh c'mon Noona I know you like affection" he said then sat on my lap and said.

"No I don't, now get off " I said then got him off my lap and stand up.

"You don't love me?" i look at maki In disbelift but he just tilt his head and I gotta admit he cute af.

"Stop saying stupid stuff" I said coldly and rolled my eyes.

"Whyyy you don't really love me do you" Making said then pouted cutely.

"Yes" I said then rolled my eyes then go to the kitchen to get water and of course making followed.

"Cmon say you love me"




"Pwetty pwese"

And he keep on forcing me to say it even when we got back to the couch.

"C'mon pleaseeeeee" He said in his cutest voice and adorable puppy eyes.

And I had no other choice so...

"I Love you" then maki got off the couch and jump all around the house.

"AHHHHHH SHE SAID I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU" And he keep on screaming it even tell it to his cat that was just trying to sleep in peace.

And I just rolled my eyes while looking at him but deep inside I'm happy about it.

Then he calm down then sat on my lap kissed me and said.

"I love you too my cold girlfriend"


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