He kept Louis’ hands up and watched closely as he began to slowly breathe normally again. Louis sat, still and quiet, for a long moment until he finally opened his eyes. They were now calm, but a little bit spicy as usual.

“You okay?” asked Harry.

“You fucking dick,” murmured Louis in reply. Harry grinned; he was just fine.

“I won,” he said, victoriously awaiting his reaction.

“You’re insane.” He dragged his arms down and Harry let go. Louis’ hands instantly reached for the football and tossed it at Harry, but the movement was slow and Harry easily caught the ball aimed at him.

“I still won.”

Louis grunted, “I am smaller than you. Do you have no sense? I could have died.”

He was deferring the subject. “You’re just fine,” said Harry. Louis huffed loudly, and began to rise from the grass. Harry followed, smiling winningly as they came face to face where they stood. Louis looked severely disgruntled and Harry absolutely loved it.

“I won,” he repeated, trying to steer them back to the important subject.

“Fine,” barked Louis, hands thrown out at his sides. “So, what? Are you just going to get off against me now? Or?”

Harry watched him for a second, contemplating. They were in the middle of the street, of course, and anyone could see them. A bed — Louis’ — would be preferred, and, truthfully, he wanted them to get off together.

“I might save it,” he finally said.

“What?” yapped Louis, perpetually opposed. “You can’t save it. You get now, or never.”

“Those weren’t the rules. You said five minutes, but not where or when.”

“You think I’m just going to let you molest my neck anywhere you want? Do you have a surprise kink, too?


“Well, obviously you have some sort of thing for my neck, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.”

Louis needed to stop talking. Harry took a few steps closer until they were inches from each other. Louis poised his chin up, refusing to back down, and Harry knew that Louis could talk the talk, but once his body was right up against Harry’s he had never disappointed.

Harry placed his hands carefully on Louis’ waist, inhaling softly as Louis’ blue eyes stared directly into his own. Blue, but darker. Harry’s eyes slid to Louis’ neck, and he kept them there as they stood in silence. The street was dark except for the lamplight, and there was no noise from cars, houses, or anything else. Louis’ body was warm, his hands lamely hanging along his sides. Harry wanted to wrap them around himself, but that was something he couldn’t do. Louis was close anyway, and he smelled like sweat and grass like he always did. Could they go to Louis’ house and just fall into one another there?

“I have tons of kinks you know nothing about,” he whispered, gently pushing his body closer.

“Please don’t share,” he heard against his jaw, but he didn’t tear his eyes from Louis’ skin. Under his jacket, it was faintly tan, smooth, and warm. Harry’s fingers grabbed the zipper of his jacket and tugged it slowly down. If he could have continued and removed all of his clothes then he would have.

He felt Louis’ shoe clamp down on his foot, and he grimaced. Louis always wanted to irk him — get a loud reaction. It was like he couldn’t handle quiet. Like he didn’t know what to do with silence. Harry was used to silence, and he liked it when Louis was quiet. Therefore, he ignored the pain as much as he could, and instead brought Louis as close as possible to himself. Louis turned his chin away, but it only made more space for Harry to fit his nose right against his jaw. He smelled amazing.

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