"And finally Jake your old sword" he said handing me the first sword i was given in narnia 100 years ago

"And finally Jake your old sword" he said handing me the first sword i was given in narnia 100 years ago

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"And your shield"

"Thank you sir" Peter said

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"Thank you sir" Peter said

"These are tools not toys, bare them wisely"

I quickly fastened the sword in the scabbard to my belt before fastening the shield to my back

Father Christmas left soon after that

"Told you he was real" Lucy said to Susan

"He said winter was almost over" Peter started "You know what that means"

"No more Ice" I finished

When we got to the frozen river it wasn't so frozen

Most of it had thawed and the ice was starting to crack away and float down river

"We need to cross, Now" I said urgently looking for an easy way down

"Don't beavers make dams" Lucy spoke

"I'm not that fast dear" Beaver said in response

"Come on" Peter said grabbing Lucy's hand and walking to a path down I had found

"Wait can we just think about this for a minute" Susan said grabbing Peters attention

"We don't have a minute" Peter argued

"I'm just trying to be realistic" Susan said offended at Peters tone

"No your trying to be smart, As usual" Peter responded

Peter led Lucy over as I waited for Susan to make a move

Wolves howled in the distance signalling that Morgrim was getting close

"Come on, We need to go" I said to Susan grabbing her hand and leading her to the path down

I let her go first and quickly followed her

We where near the bottom when she slipped and almost fell before I caught her pulling her close to me

"Thanks" She said quietly before continuing down

When we reached the bottom Peter started to go over but the ice started cracking

"Wait, Maybe I should go first" Beaver spoke

"Maybe you should" Peter said in response

Beaver started going over the ice while it made creaks and cracks

"You've been sneaking second helpings, Haven't you" Mrs Beaver spoke

"Well you never know which meals gonna be your last, Especially with your cooking" Beaver said back

Beaver was about halfway when I started following him

The others soon followed my example

"If mum knew what we were doing" Susan said

"Mums not here" Peter spoke back

Ice started falling from the frozen waterfall and Lucy looked up

"Oh no" She said terrified because the wolves had caught up with us

"Run" Peter shouted and they all ran past me

I quickened my pace to follow them and watched as Morgrim and another wolf jumped down and got in front of us

The ice behind us was cracked and we were trapped

The second wolf jumped at Mr Beaver and pinned him down

Peter drew his sword and I followed his action drawing my own

"Put that down boy" Morgrim spoke "Someone could get hurt"

"Don't worry about me, Run him through" Beaver spoke

"Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you" Morgrim spoke

"Stop Peter, Maybe we should listen to him" Susan said to Peter

Morgrim chuckled "Smart girl"

"Don't listen to him, Kill him" Beaver spoke "Kill him now"

"Aw come on, This isn't your war" Morgrim spoke "All my queen wants is for you to take your family and go"

"Look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, It doesn't make you a hero, Just drop it" Susan said desperately to Peter

"She's right" I spoke to Peter "The sword doesn't make you a hero, Your actions do"

"No Peter, Narnia needs ya" Beaver shouted "Gut him while you still have a chance"

"What's it gonna be son of Adam, I won't wait forever" Morgrim started "And neither will the river"

"Peter" Lucy shouted

We looked and saw the frozen waterfall had thawed out enough to let water through

It slowly started to crack and the ice started falling

"Hold onto me" Peter shouted driving his sword into the ice

I quickly ran past Morgrim and kicked the other wolf of Beaver just in time for the ice to give way and a rush of water to come through

I was quickly submerged in the freezing water

I was being carried down stream when I noticed Lucy had been separated from Peter

I got us to the river bank to Susan shouting mine and Lucy's names

"Has anyone seen my coat" Lucy said alerting them to our presence

"Don't you worry dear" Beaver started "Your guardians got you well looked after"

"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore" Mrs Beaver spoke

We looked over and saw cherry blossoms sprouting and we realised it was becoming spring again

They took of there thick woolen Coats while I left my Jacket and Hoodie with them leaving me in a t-shirt

I now knew we would see Aslan soon

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