Louis’ eyes were trained directly on his face; he could feel it. As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, there was an awkward silence hanging over them. Louis seemed confused still, and his eyes were unusually penetrating. Harry didn’t know what he was supposed to say now that he was actually there, but he had no intention of explaining himself to Louis. Nevertheless, there was a tightness in his chest and an uncomfortable knot in his throat.

He didn’t want to feel any of that, so, without looking at Louis, he slowly began to step out of his wet sneakers and pull off his hoodie. He didn’t look directly at the other boy, but he could sense ease in his movements as they both began to undress. This part was easy; they had done it so many times before. Harry didn’t need to say anything as he lied back on the bed, and Louis simply grabbed the lube and condoms from the nightstand drawer on the side of the bed. He didn’t ask any questions, and for that Harry was thankful. He didn’t want to talk, and he didn’t need Louis to pity him. He wanted to forget the whole day, and Louis’ smell, his bed, and his body would usually do the trick and erase everything else in his mind.

Despite his intentions, he couldn’t help the thoughts suddenly returning. Louis was heavy and warm on top of him, but there was none of their normal urgency. It was still intense, but slower than usual, and it felt different. Over the last couple of months, they’d learned to do this in many various ways, but never like this. Not quietly, not slowly.

As they moved together, their bodies were gentler and wound snugly around one another. Louis’ thrusts were deep and his breath hit lightly over Harry’s lips in even exhales. His eyes were closed for a moment where Harry’s were open, and for a brief second his mouth brushed unintentionally right over Harry’s. During that tiny moment, Harry felt Louis’ lips. They were soft, thin, a little wet. At the same time, Louis’ fringe played lightly in the crease between Harry’s eyebrows.

Harry twisted his face away because it all suddenly felt… It felt like they didn’t just hate each other.

His forehead fit into the side of Louis’ neck instead, but a quiet sob slipped out of him without permission. He immediately wished he hadn’t made the noise when Louis pulled away from him.

“Hey,” he said quietly, and Harry regretted his words before he had even said them. “Do you want to stop?”

“No,” he shook his head firmly. Just come closer again, he wanted to say. “No, keep going.”

He seemed tentative. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Please,” he exhaled. Since when did Louis hesitate? “Just fuck me.”

Louis nodded and continued, this time with a new sense of urgency. Harry’s hands slipped into Louis’ hair, and for the first time, his thoughts were only on the way Louis was moving inside of him. It didn’t seem to be long before Louis tensed up and moaned into Harry’s sweaty neck, his chest pressing down against his body. Hearing him sound like that pushed Harry further to the edge, and as Louis moved away and got rid of the condom, he regretted the distance between them. For a quick moment, he met the other boy’s eyes, and there was an odd moment of stillness.

Louis was the one to break it. He didn’t seem like he knew what the moment meant, either. Instead, he sidled up against Harry on the bed and wrapped a hand around him, beginning to smoothly jerk him off. Harry closed his eyes and gave himself over to the pleasant touch of Louis’ body against his.

It caught him by surprise when he felt Louis’ wet mouth around him. He glanced down and kept a moan in as the picture of Louis’ lips around him burned into his mind. Louis had never done this to him before, but it certainly was a welcome surprise. Louis’ cheekbones were sharp on a normal day, but from a downward angle… there was nothing like it. They could cut glass, and Harry’s eyes couldn’t keep closed for long. He couldn’t not look at him. It was… Harry repressed a moan that stemmed from the bottom of his throat. It was unfair how someone could be so inexplicably good at everything, and look fucking impeccable doing it.

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