Rewritten Chapter 2: Murder Drones

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Slowly gaining conciseness Y/n's eyes fluttered open only to be met with darkness. His eyes soon adjusted to the lack of light seeing the uneven rocky texture of the ceiling still feeling the affect of the cold. Confused he sat up imminently noticed the thin sheet places on top of him. Grabbing the sheet he looked around his environments quickly coming to the conclusion he was in a cave. He stood up wrapping the sheet around his shivering body stumbling to one of the walls, the air felt heavy and stuffy, barley able to get a full breath.

To only further his spiral of confusion he saw multiple decapitated heads of the worker drones, their limbs randomly strewn around looking as if a beast ripped them to shreds. Deep cuts and gashes across their visors and heads. [The hell happened here? Where even is here?] He questioned creeped out walking along the walls, running his hand across the wall, letting his metallic fingers graze the rough textured walls as he ventured through the cave only praying to find a way out. After some more walking he eventually spotted a light, but along with that he heard a rush of wind and something landing on the ground echoing through the cave, soon followed by hurried footsteps coming in his direction. Nerves at its heights, he hid behind one of the rocks as he listened closely to the nearing steps.

Soon the footsteps came closer, and closer, then right in front of him, now moving past him back to the end of the cave where he once was early resided. To panicked to move he sat in the darkness, eyes closed as he tried to calm down his breathing. He soon then heard a voice from where he once was, he couldn't make out the words. The footsteps were now heard coming back to him, leaving the cave. A minute passed, then another, and another, he didn't know how long he sat there worried the strange man who kidnapped him would come back. Eventually he stood up praying the cost was clear as he made his way to the light, exiting the cave seeing something he still didn't believe. A frozen city lit up by the light of the moons, streets covered in ice, buildings beginning to decay, chunks missing, already falling apart. 'What the hell happened?' He mumbled in fear stumbling back.

Exiting the cave he walked down the barren streets, covered in ice clutching the cloth around him shivering. Glancing in one of the cars he saw a skeleton at the wheel in the drivers seat while the other in passenger seat was covering its face as if trying to block something. He looked away trying to ignore what he just saw looking around the streets noticing one of the signs on the street light. He read what street he was on realizing something. [Wait, I think I remember this place, If I'm right...] He trailed off jogging down the street seeing a mall right where he thought it'd be. It looked slightly different then before but it was still the same building. [Yeah, yeah, the warehouse should be nearby. Maybe I could find something there.] He thought hopefully moving down the streets.

After what felt like hours of walking, and multiple breaks to catch his breath he found himself in front of the warehouse a satisficed smile on his face. Trying to open the door it remained lock, not budging. Groaning in defeat he took a step back contemplating how to get in when his eyes landed on a rock. He glanced up staring at the dual glace door to the building. 'No I probably shouldn't. I'll just find another way in.' He mumbled to himself trying to think if there where any easier ways in not taking his eyes off the rock. [Ya no fuck that.] He thought as he grabbed the rock immediately slamming it into the glass door, shattering in an instant. 'Perfect.' He mumbled stepping through the broken door, glass crunching under his boots.

(DISCONTINUED) Murder Drones x Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now