Chapter 4 The first day

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"Jalen and Liliana, get up! Today is the first day of school!" Peace and Joy said. "Okay, now get out of my room!" I said. "Jalen and Liliana get up!" My mom said calmly. " Jalen, do you know whats goin on with my mother?" I asked as I was getting in the shower. Jalen was in the room. " Is your mom cold one minute and hot the next minute?" Jalen said curiously. " Yes, and she talks calmly one minute and sounds irritated the next minute!" I said. " Your mom is just acting stupid!" Jalen said sacredly. " There has to be some type of disease?" I asked. " Those are symptoms of menopause but your mom is only 35." Jalen said. 

" What are you going to wear today?" Jalen said. " Black and white Aeropostale shirt and black Shayba jeans. What about you?" I asked. " I'm wearing an american eagle shirt and the Aeropostale pants I bought," Jalen said. Right when I was about to go downstairs my phone started ringing! It rang "Poetic Justice" by Kendrick Lamar. " Hello" I said. " Guess what? I'm back! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Some random person said. "Who is this?" I asked."Im your biggest nightmare!" The person said. Then they just hung up. "Okay, that was the scariest thing ive heard,and i heard alot of scary things!"I said. "It kinda sounded like Alexis and Sophia!!!" "Alexis and Sophia are in jail! You don't have to worry about those to NUTHEADS!" Jalen said. " I don't know Jalen!" I said. "Come Liliana and Jalen! Your bus is literally up the street!" My mom said. "Wait, what about breakfast!" I said. "You're in highschool, you dont need breakfast!" My mom said pushing me and Jalen out the door.

 "Look here comes the bus!" Jalen said. When the bus got here, me and Jalen quickly ran on. When we got on that bus, we saw some of the most ghetto kids! Then something was even worse! They were making fun of Lastroid because her hair was really, really puffy, and she had on a dirty brown shirt with torn blue jeans on. When she saw us her eyes opened wide and she beckoned to us! "Hurry up and take a seat!" I'm on a schedule here!" The bus driver said. "Should we sit with her?" I whispered in Jalen's ear. "Uh yeah! She needs us!" She said out loud. Then we ran to where she was sitting. "Hi you guys! I almost thought you guys weren't sitting with me!" Lastroid said relieved. "Oh well we were!" I said. "Um, Lastroid what happened to those clothes we bought you?" Jalen said. "S-see that's what I was going to talk to you about! My dad threw all the clothes you bought me in the trash!" Lastroid said. "What! You know how much those clothes cost?" I said as my eyes opened wide. "I know! But my dad said on brand clothing is controlling and he wants to see you later today" Lastroid said.

We finally got to the school. When  we got in the school yard, the baddest thing was spotted. It was Sophia and Alexis. Once I saw them, I punched Jalen in the arm so hard, I broke an artificial nail. "Ouch Liliana! What was that for?" Jalen said texting on her phone. "Jalen, eyes off the phone and look to your far left. Now tell me what do you see?" I said getting irritated. "Oh my gosh, it's Sophia and Alexis. I thought they were in jail for attempted manslaughter," Jalen said in a clueless way. "I thought so to, but we are going to have to slip pass them with Lastroid on our side," I said sounding confident. " Usually, I don't pick on how people look, but LASTROID IS NOTICEABLE!" Jalen said beginning to loose her mind. But we some how managed to get in the school without them noticing. After all they were bullying ninth graders for their lunch money.

We got Lastroid to her homeroom, which turned out to be my homeroom to. Jalen had an accelerated teacher as her home-based teacher.  My teacher's name is Mr. Crump. That made it harder for me to stay out of trouble that year. His name was Mr. Crump.

All my teachers are pretty nice. Mr. Crump looks at me and this girl named Vanessa in a weird way, like 'why are you in my class?'. Mrs. Sebastian, my science teacher is very laid back. In fact, all she does is gives us packets to do, and then falls asleep to the guy that made that wordless song called Emily. Ms. Zavala, my math teacher is very talkative.

As Jalen and I started walking towards the bus, Lastroid started running towards us. " Lastroid, I thought you were staying after school today, " I said sounding concerned. "O-Oh, my d-dad called and said he needed me home now," She said sounding scared. "Oh okay then" Jalen said sounding like everything is peachy Keene. But I knew something was iffy about her and her family. And I was about to get to the bottom of it.

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